Daryk Warrior Page 11
They located Asam’s lodging in a dark, hidden area of the castle near the dungeons. Torches on either end of the alley threw shadows down the lane.
“She lives here?” Mia asked with caution as they reached the door they sought.
“Yep. Damned unsavory place if you ask me.”
He knocked on the small square door. It opened almost immediately. Mia squinted to see in the semidarkness. The very small, round woman standing in the doorway owned a huge smile filled with warmth and welcome. Her dark eyes shone with genuine caring. She looked much younger than Mia expected, though she didn’t know why she’d assumed the woman would be old. Her small nose and ruby lips made her look no older than forty, if that. Her hair color resembled the silver of a night planet moving across the sky. The woman wore a loose purple top that covered her from neck to wrists and matching trousers that flowed around her ankles.
“May I help you?” the woman asked as her gaze went from Eryk to Mia.
“Garess Arch sent us to see Asam. I’m Eryk Gauth and this is Mia Griffi. She’s in need of healing.”
The lady’s round, pleasant face creased into a true frown. “Oh dear. Yes, I can see that. Please come in. I am Asam.”
The main living area was modest in size but nicely decorated with personal touches and items. A small cooking area graced the room in one corner. A door toward the back of the room led to places unknown.
Without dallying, the woman gestured to the padded couch. “I’ll sit next to Mia.”
Eryk settled in a large, comfortable chair.
Asam sat next to Mia and took Mia’s hands in hers. “Let us get to it immediately.”
“What is the price?” Eryk reached into his pocket.
Asam shook her head. “After we’ve finished. You can set the price.”
Mia saw the surprise on Eryk’s face and wanted to gloat a bit. Obviously he’d expected avarice from the healer.
Asam squeezed Mia’s hands. “Don’t tell me what is wrong.” Asam closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. Immediately the healer gasped but she didn’t release Mia. “Draconus. You have the ability. You can heal as well…but…oh. Your energy is low. You are fatigued often. You’ve been through a huge ordeal recently but that isn’t what causes your fatigue now.” Asam’s eyes snapped open and she stared directly into Mia’s gaze. “You…you know this already. You’re dying.”
Hearing the words took Mia’s breath, halted it until she thought maybe she’d pass away on the spot. Why the words punched her so hard, she couldn’t say. After all, she wasn’t hearing anything new.
Mia swallowed hard. “Yes.”
Asam closed her eyes again. “You take on too much. You’re like a sponge and take on the symptoms of the person you’re healing. Or at the very least it makes you weak. This disease that came upon you, they told you it is incurable.” Again Mia’s eyes popped open. “While I prefer to concentrate on the healing as if everything can be cured, I make no promises. It is possible that I cannot cure you.”
Mia relaxed when Eryk nodded, although doubt still filled his eyes. It shocked Mia that she wanted him to believe in her abilities. Why should she care if he believed in her and what she could do? She hardened herself to the feeling and concentrated on what she’d come here for.
Mia said, “Let’s begin.”
Mia and Asam closed their eyes, and as soon as they did heat flowed through Mia’s hands and up into her arms. Well-being and strength sizzled into her veins. Mia groaned softly as sparkles of renewal knitted and cured. She knew this sensation intimately and yet hadn’t felt it used on herself before. Within a short time she realized her strength had returned full force. Mia opened her eyes as Asam released her hands.
Asam’s smile broke free, wide and happy. “There. How do you feel?”
“Much better.” Tears threatened Mia’s eyes again. “Thank you. How can I ever repay you?”
Asam’s smile faded. “My dear, I want you to understand. This cure may only temporary.”
“Why?” Eryk’s voice was soft but razor-sharp.
Asam leaned toward them, her voice soft. “This disease that you have is very serious.” She turned her attention to Eryk. “I can see you have a deep attachment to her. That is good. You’ll need all your strength for the battle ahead.”
“What battle?” His voice came out short. His eyes snapped with red, his mouth a tight line. “I thought you could cure her.”
Asam sighed. “I said it was possible that I could not. In a normal person this disease would be fatal but this young woman isn’t normal. At least not the definition of ordinary. That’s what has kept her alive this long. My guess is there’s only one thing that will keep her that way. Her connection to you.”
“What are you saying?”
Mia saw the worry on his face.
Asam didn’t hesitate. “I could continue curing her when she has problems but it isn’t a permanent cure.”
Eryk’s stood and took a step forward. “Then try harder. Make her well. You claim to be a healer. Do it!”
Mia shot to her feet. “Eryk! How dare you treat her like that?”
Asam didn’t flinch at his tone nor did she smile. “At some point in time she will relapse. If I’m not around, what would she do? She needs a connection to you.”
“What kind of connection?” Mia asked before he could.
Asam cleared her throat and pink appeared high on her cheeks. “Sexual.”
Chapter Eight
Stunned, he glanced at Mia. Mia’s face had also gone pink. “Sex? Magon!”
“I can provide sex.” Eryk said it without hesitation.
Mia’s mouth popped open. “But…”
He sank down on the chair again. “But what? You wouldn’t have sex with me even to save your life?”
Asam shifted toward him on the couch. She gestured with one hand. “You cannot just sleep with her and expect it to work. She is strong but she needs love.”
No. He didn’t fall in love with women. He didn’t. “What if I can’t? What if we don’t…love each other?”
Asam looked at the floor, her mouth turned down in a deep frown. “Then there’s nothing in this world that can save her.”
Mia’s face didn’t crumple. She didn’t cry in despair. Yet he saw a deep hurt in those eyes. Those pretty eyes. He swallowed hard as shame cut a large swath through him. Draconus, he’d put that hurt there.
Asam took a step toward him. “Keep your money, Eryk Gauth. See your way clear to help her.” Asam turned to Mia and hugged her. “Don’t despair. You can keep on coming back to me as long as you need to. Free of charge, my dear.”
Mia drew a shuddering breath, the sound loud enough for him to hear. “Thank you. Thank you, Asam.”
“Come by any time, even if it is just to talk,” Asam said.
“Do you leave this place?” Mia asked.
Asam nodded. “Sometimes. Now if you don’t mind, I must rest.”
“Of course.” Mia headed for the door and Eryk followed.
Mia walked ahead of him down the alley, her steps strong and her back straight. For the first time in his life, he couldn’t put his mind around what had happened. He wanted to protect Mia, to see her healthy.
Eryk caught up to her, took her arm. “Mia, wait.”
She jerked away from him. “I won’t have it. You treated her like…dirt.” Mia looked mad as spit. “She’s a fine, kind woman and you treated her—” She huffed. “I don’t know what to say to you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry that I acted that way. You know what I think about healers.”
“I know how you feel, I just don’t know why. You’ve seen my healing and know it works. You’ve seen Asam’s and know it works.”
Eryk didn’t know if he could tell her what had happened but he could acknowledge one morsel of truth to banish that sad look in her eyes. It tortured him, brought him closer to losing control.
She started to turn away again but he caught her arm. “Wait. When we’re in our lodgings I’ll tell you why I distrust healers.”
She perused him, her gaze sweeping over his face in an assessing manner that stripped him to the core. Maybe she could see into him in a way no one else had. Where no one else would dare to venture in a million rotations of the planet.
After they returned to their room, he went into the bathing area and stripped his shirt off. He returned to find her already under the covers, commandeering the bed for her own. With her hair fanned upon the bed, her skin once more vibrant and healthy, he could almost forget she was dying.
Bit by bit. Degree by degree. Her hope for a permanent cure dashed by Asam’s earlier statement. No. The idea that she might fade away, that he’d be witness to her slow and methodical destruction, threatened to tear a hole in him.
Mia opened her eyes and the sadness he’d witness earlier had disappeared. Her gaze swept his naked chest and part of him wanted to preen like a dragon. He knew her gaze, understood when a woman wanted a man. Mia wanted him, regardless of what she said, no matter what she denied.
He would save her life, by Draconus. He wouldn’t allow her bright flame to smother, her strength, conviction, her freedom… By the god, he wouldn’t let her freedom fade.
“Why…why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.
The question came out timid. Uncertain.
“Because of the way you’re looking at me.”
To his surprise the corner of her mouth lifted in a halfhearted smile. “You cannot distract me.”
He returned her smile and pulled his boots off. They thudded to the floor and Eryk strode to the bed.
He slipped under the covers and she let out a surprised gasp. “What are you doing?”
“Keeping warm.”
“You could have kept your shirt on.”
He lifted onto one elbow and stared down at her. The temptation of her scantily clad body near his made his cock throb to instant full attention.
“My shirtless state disturbs you.”
“Any maiden would be disturbed by your chest.”
“Any virgin.”
She nodded.
He sighed. “My offer is twofold. No sex unless you ask for it, though I’m even more eager to have sex with you.”
Her lips parted, making his fantasy life blossom to heightened appreciation. “Why?”
“Because I want you. And if what Asam said is true, then sex is your cure.”
“Now?” The one word was soft. Appealing to his kinder nature.
“You cured me. You slaughtered a dragon. You cured Finny when she was almost dead. I have to believe that you’re a healer and your talents genuine.”
“Yet you were suspicious of Asam.”
“I’m suspicious of everyone until they prove to me their worth.”
“A cynic.”
He slipped his hand over her stomach, over the covers. She shivered and stiffened. He didn’t falter, cupping her waist. “In a matter of speaking.”
“What else do you want to know about me?”
She became less doubtful herself, allowing Eryk full movement to express himself. “What changed you into that cynical person? The warrior who expects the worst.”
Time to tell her. He kept her waist cupped under his hand, her fully clothed body preventing him from feeling her silky skin. “I told you about my family. But that wasn’t what turned me cold. When I was sixteen a friend of mine…a young woman…” He swallowed hard. “We were young lovers, and at the time I thought she was my mate. The love of my life. Other Daryk Ones told me she wasn’t and that I didn’t show the signs of a man totally mated to a woman.”
Mia’s pensive frown deepened. “I read about the mating.”
Surprise kicked him. “You’ve heard about Daryk Ones mating for life?”
“Yes. The Daryk One needs their mate uncontrollably. He desires her beyond any woman he’s ever wanted before. He cannot live without her.” Her eyes, such a fascinating color, burned with certainty. “She is everything to him.” She sighed and averted her gaze. “As I mentioned before, there are many truths the Scribes keep from Magonian people. Our libraries are hidden from the average citizen. People follow doctrine like placid animals unless they are in an ecstasy of belief.”
He was afraid to ask. “What is the belief?”
Her gaze returned to him, troubled and maybe fearful. “Like your rogue Daryk Ones, those in ecstasy think their beliefs are truth and required to keep order. There’s no deviation. They’re correct and any opposition must be eliminated. A few dates back several women training to be Scribes were punished by the Head Scribe in the most horrific ways when they admitted they didn’t believe every word in the Chronicles of Magon.”
He wanted to soothe her, to reassure Mia nothing like that could happen in Dragonia. But he knew it could happen in any society. Even Dragonia. It disturbed him on a level so deep and profound he felt ill.
When she didn’t speak, she covered her eyes with one hand and continued. “Zealots still exist within the Scribe school and their followers include the enforcers, the Truth and Order Police.”
“You ran from them.”
“Your friends on the ship? Were they running from the dogma?”
She nodded. “In their own way.”
He tightened his hold on her waist. “Draconus.” He almost hissed the word. “Then you’ll understand when I explain about my friend Trylee. My lover.”
He released Mia and rolled onto his back, uncertain how to explain and deciding jumping straight into the flames would have to do.
“Trylee loved me, I think. She was a healer.” Eryk saw Mia’s eyes widen in utter surprise but he continued. “A beautiful, confident woman like you. At first I thought her healing power was wonderful. I saw her work wonders on old and young and even animals.” Eryk stared at the rock ceiling, his heart as cracked and old as the stone. “Then a woman named Hylia came to Bardannia Castle with her parents and little brother. I became friends with them. I didn’t know Trylee would find them a threat.”
He sat, eager to see her expression more clearly. Her brows knitted. At one time telling this story had eaten him alive like a parasite burrowing its way out of its host. Now the pain had dulled to the flavor of a distant nightmare.
Eryk closed his eyes. “As I said, I was sixteen. Many years ago. Fifteen to be exact. Hylia was also sixteen. Beautiful as the sun with yellow hair. Trylee’s hair was black as midnight, as a moonless night. Both were wonderful girls and yet they were night and day.”
Mia levered up on her left elbow. “They were rivals for your affection.”
He grunted. “I was lusty, in love with sleeping with Trylee. But there were holes in her disposition. Things about her I didn’t see through that lustful haze until it was too late.” He sighed. “And I’m not proud of my own behavior. I saw the ugly side of her and soon Hylia replaced Trylee in my feelings. I wasn’t blameless. I handled the situation poorly. I told Trylee I didn’t want to see her anymore and I was unkind about it.”
“You loved Hylia?” Mia’s voice was soft as a cloud. “Not Trylee.”
He nodded. “My feelings for Hylia felt more pure. More real. As I said, I admired the good things about Trylee but her bad side made it impossible to love her.” Suddenly memories of what happened next ate at Eryk, pain returning as if it were yesterday. He swallowed hard. “Hylia kissed me and Trylee saw it. Trylee marched right up to Hylia in the courtyard, put her hand on Hylia’s chest and killed her.”
He felt deflated and sank back to the bed to stare at that damn ceiling again.
Mia flattened her hand against his bare chest, horrified. When she realized she touched hard, glorious muscle, she drew her hand back. What he’d told her explained so much.
“Awful.” She barely pushed the word from her mouth. “That’s why you didn’t trust me. Why you still don’
He didn’t answer but truth lay in his eyes. A hollow spot inside her understood his pain and wanted desperately for him to heal, to cure the deep hole Trylee had carved into him.
His arms slid around her waist and he drew her on top of him. She gasped in surprise then settled onto his iron-hard frame. His hard chest pressed her sensitive breasts. Her legs straddled his hips. In his firm grip she felt sure and protected. Whether or not he trusted her, she recognized that she trusted Eryk.
He palmed her back, wandering across her skin with heated attention. His sinful eyes captured hers, flaming with a need she understood. Attraction pulsed to life inside her, stirring additional desires. Her nipples tightened into achy little points and a hot rush of moisture dampened her between the legs. She ached with her needs, wanting to fulfill them now with a hunger that wouldn’t be denied much longer. Perhaps she shouldn’t want him, but she did.
Mia half expected Eryk to acknowledge her accusation that he didn’t trust her. Instead he explored her spine, drawing patterns with his fingers. He lifted the hem of her tunic and skimmed over her flesh. Hot and hard, he tutored her skin, brought it alive. She tingled from head to toe.
“Eryk, you aren’t to blame for what Trylee did.”
He snorted softly. “Her family didn’t think so. They left soon after and vowed to get revenge upon Trylee and me.”