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Impetuous Page 11
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Page 11
She gripped his biceps and arched her hips. He hissed as sharp coils of desire rushed through his groin. She felt so silky, her pussy wrapped around his cock with a tight grip. Sizzling hot. Wet. Unbelievably sexy.
He had to fuck her hard. Now.
He drew back, then plowed into her tight channel. A yearning sound slipped from her throat. He pulled back, rammed hard and high. She went crazy. Whimpers left her throat, and she ground her hips upward into his, her muscles milking his flesh. Gritting his teeth, he struggled, almost losing control and spewing his load.
“Do it, do it,” she said, her voice and eyes pleading with him. “Finish me.”
He couldn’t leave her hanging any longer, and his cock demanded movement, hungry for completion.
He nailed her.
Every collision of his hips against hers sent his screaming need higher. Her cries echoed in his ears as she moved against him. Turned on by her desperation, hanging on by a thin string, he powered into her. His body went into riot as scorching desire drove his hips into a grinding, churning motion.
Her groans came higher, hotter, louder.
He’d never felt anything so tight, so hot, so silky wet.
She came, her entire body shaking as one loud, definitive word left her lips. “Yes!”
With a roar he climaxed, his cock jerking and throbbing as he pushed as high inside her as he could go. Hot streams of cum shot from him as he convulsed.
Oh shit. Yes.
He sank into her arms and sighed deeply as his brain went fuzzy with tension release. He spent the night in her arms, exhaustion leading him into a deep sleep.
Chapter Nine
There’s something you must understand and see before the Halloween party.
Ian’s written words still lingered in Synna’s mind the next day as she ventured down in the elevator toward a part of SIA she never knew existed. When she’d awakened at five o’clock that morning and discovered he’d left without saying goodbye, she wondered if she’d made a huge mistake sleeping with him. They’d had spectacular sex three times last night. Three wonderful, risky encounters she would remember the rest of her life, no matter what happened from this day forward. Last night with Ian had blown her away, broken down barriers she never knew she had, released inhibitions and made her feel more alive than she had in years. Yes, the anal sex had been new and exciting, but more than that, she’d never encountered a more loving, warm appreciation from a man.
Yet unbidden worry this morning had sent her into the shower and dressed in record time. Downstairs she’d discovered a note, written on a piece of steno paper and scribbled in his action-oriented, bold handwriting.
I’m sorry I had to leave early. I’ve got meetings part of the morning. At ten o’clock, I need to see you. There’s something you must understand and see before the Halloween party. A special key card will be left in an envelope under your phone before seven o’clock. Keep it close and safe. Insert the key card into the L10 slot at the button of the keypad in the elevator. When you get to Level Ten you’ll need to take two rights and then two lefts. Stop at the double doors labeled 888. Come in and I’ll be there waiting for you.
Sure enough, the key awaited her under the phone on her desk.
She smiled as the elevator took its everlovin’ sweet time reaching the mysterious Level Ten. The skullduggery amused her. Why the dramatics? Ian could have escorted her here.
Because he trusts me?
Perhaps. The thought sent stirrings of longing deep inside her. She couldn’t forget his scent, and just thinking about him stirred anew her deepest longings.
Curiosity made her stomach tight with nervous energy as the elevator seemed to take forever. The elevator pinged, and she jerked out of her reverie. She held her breath as the doors slid open. She stepped into the sterile hallway, and the off-white walls and dimmer lighting surprised her. Then again, what had she expected? Fluorescent lights and stark dreariness? Here the muted hallway boasted a few modernistic paintings that didn’t suit her tastes. She withdrew the notepaper from her pocket and studied directions he’d give her. She’d heard rumors it was possible to get lost in the massive subbasement.
To her relief, she found the way easier than she anticipated. Double doors and the number 888 showed she’d made it. She knocked hard and the door popped open.
Ian stood in the doorway. All the breath left her lungs for a startled second. She’d had sex with him, reached heights she didn’t know her body could reach. She expected his primal masculinity to have less influence on her mind and body.
No getting around facts. He is sexy as hell.
“Come on in,” he said without preamble, his gaze coasting over her in an almost impersonal inspection she found somehow disappointing.
She stepped inside, her wide-legged pants swishing around her mid-heel pumps. She tucked the instructions back in her pocket. As she stepped into the large room, she felt swallowed by the gigantic conference room that was not unlike several upstairs. This room, though, owned more amenities. A large, expensive-looking leather couch sat against one wall, and a corpulent matching chair dwarfed the corner next to it. A coffee table, end tables and antique-style lamps on a low setting completed the picture. In contrast to the hall outside, this room held a comfortable, almost homey ambiance along with the business aspects. A mahogany-colored desk dominated the other end of the room. Scattered photographs from past years at the SIA framed the walls.
The conference room would be a perfect for a midmorning rendezvous. Ian’s grin was wide and determined, as if he knew exactly what she thought.
“Cozy,” she said as he closed and locked the door behind her.
The snick of the lock sounded so final.
“This is where we usually have our Level Ten meetings.”
She lifted one eyebrow. “I’m impressed. But why am I here in secret squirrel land, Ian?”
He smiled again and warmth stole through her. God, did he have to look so damned gorgeous? So tough, strong, and vulnerable all at once? The heavens gave this man everything necessary to drive a woman crazy on more than one occasion. What had she done to deserve the agony and ecstasy of knowing him?
He took a step closer and it brought his tantalizing male scent nearer as well. She drew in a deep breath.
His gaze enveloped her until she couldn’t see anything, feel anything but him. His body conveyed infinite strength combined with determination to protect.
“Two reasons why you’re here.” He reached out and brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers. Sparks of arousal filtered into her body and she shivered with deep longing for more. “Do you regret what we did last night? Do you want out of the mission?”
A little flabbergasted, she gazed at him openmouthed. With a heaving breath, she found her voice. “No to both questions. I thought we were settled, at least, on the mission.” When he didn’t speak, a series of depressing thoughts poured into her mind like a flood. “Wait. Are you saying you regretted last night and that you want me off the mission?”
He shook his head. “If we don’t put Tyler back in the Shadow Realm, he’ll continue coming after you. You’ll need protection. Even if it means putting you under twenty-four guard. Forever.”
She gave a half-mocking laugh, thinking of such constraint incomprehensible. “I couldn’t live like that. I’d die. Anyone would die.”
He shook his head. “No. There are people who’ve lived under guard most of their lives, whether they wanted it or not.” His eyes saddened. “That’s one reason why we have to take this weredemon thing to its conclusion. Anything else would be intolerable.”
“I couldn’t take that. I’d shrivel.”
“I know. That’s why we have to see this through.”
“S-see it through. It sounds so impersonal.” She didn’t know how to express the thoughts running around in her mind. Everything seemed as mixed as vegetable soup, as murky as a deep ocean. She must ask the
question if she wanted the truth. “Do you wish we hadn’t…you know?”
One of his brows went up, his mouth quirking in a quick, sexy tilt she found irresistible. He sipped his hand behind her neck and into her hair. His embracing heat sent shivers of desire tingling all the way down her spine to settle deep in her lower stomach.
“I can’t stop thinking about last night. The way we were together. How hot you were, your skin, your tongue,” he said huskily.
Her heart picked up the beat as his hot breath touched her forehead. He pressed a kiss there. As his chest brushed her breasts, her nipples prickled and tightened. She reached up and touched his chest, her fingers smoothing along the warmth of his blue sweater, digging into his heat with a soft moan.
“I’m never going to forget what we did last night. Are you?” he asked.
She could hide behind modesty, pretend nothing happened beyond a pleasant interlude. “How could I disregard the most toe-curling, erotic evening of my life?”
His mouth touched her temple again, then trailed down until he whispered in her ear, the deep, husky resonance sending heat waves along her body. “Oh, man.”
His body shivered against hers, the indication that he felt as turned on as she did sent her confidence and need into the heavens. “Does that mean last night was special for you?”
Ian kissed her ear, then his lips pinpointed the tender skin just below. “I’m having a helluva time keeping my mind on business. You’ve rocked my world, Synna. I can’t stop wanting to touch you.” He punctuated each statement with a kiss, then another, until he worked his way to her lips. “I can’t stop wanting this.”
His mouth enveloped hers in a hot, drugging kiss that melted resistance. His tongue took instant possession. Each deep plunge, each stroke of his tongue over hers brought desire higher within her. She responded with unrestrained passion, her heart beating a frantic, needy rhythm and demanding more from her depths. She couldn’t release the high-stakes hunger building inside as his body moved against hers in sensual counterpoint. Hard, masculine angles cradled and sheltered her softness, and she’d never felt more feminine than at this moment. His hands cupped her butt and squeezed, then palmed upward over her back, searching hollows and curves. He fondled her with eagerness, and she knew his restraint hung by a tiny thread. Inflamed, she gripped his shoulders and savored his body against hers.
Then she remembered where they were, and she broke away, pushing at his chest. “No. We can’t. Not here.”
He moaned softly, and his kisses trailed over her face to her ear where he whispered, “I want you so much.”
She felt his control teetering, and she wasn’t far behind. One more hot, tongue-thrusting kiss, one more touch of his hard cock against her and they’d combust. He moaned and tasted her neck, his tongue tracing an erotic path over her skin.
“Ian. We have to stop.”
Breathing hard, he took a step back. His gaze glittered with a hard intensity that would have frightened her if she didn’t understand already that it came from desire. “There aren’t any cameras in here and the room is off-limits for an hour. But you’re right. That’s not what I asked you to come here for. I wanted to show you something.”
He walked toward a tall, dark metal cabinet on one side of the room and slid open the doors to reveal ten gleaming metal swords. Each sword featured red satin cording attached to the hilt so they hung in place inside the red interior. Their hilts were a strange kaleidoscope of colors, almost like the pearlescent glow of an abalone shell. They looked lethal as hell, a slightly shorter version of a broadsword.
She stepped forward as curiosity pushed her. “What are these?”
He lifted one out of the cabinet and handed it to her. “Electrical converter swords. They’re new at SIA. A prototype for a standard weapon that will be in every agent’s arsenal soon. How does that feel in your hands?”
She hefted the object by the hilt, feeling the extraordinary featherlight material. “It’s incredible. What does it do other than stab people?”
He grinned. “I’d give a demonstration, but this isn’t the place to do it. What I wanted you to do is know how to use one. I’ll have one at the Halloween party, and so will Ben Darrock.”
Her eyes widened as she placed the cold metal on the conference table. “Are you saying I’m going to carry one of these around?”
“No, no. But I wanted you to know how to use it.” He picked up the weapon and handed it to her again. “Here, hold it.”
He came around behind her, his arms slipping about her waist and snuggling her against his body. She wanted to moan with ecstasy as his big body wrapped her in security and heat. He felt so hot, so strong, and the sensations darting through her body made her almost dizzy. His hips pressed against her backside, and his erection hardened against her.
His hands clamped firmly over hers, holding the sword grip tightly within their combined grip. “Feel that. Now close your eyes.” A little reluctant, she glanced back at him. “Come on, honey. I need you to do this for me. It’s important.”
Honey. Glimmers of quicksilver arousal touched her stomach and went straight down to her loins. Possessive and protective, his embrace fired every feminine fiber into life.
“If things go to hell,” he said softly against her temple, “I want you to protect yourself.”
“But if I’m not carrying it with me—”
“If anything happens to me while we’re together at the party you’ll know how to pick up my weapon and use it.”
She stiffened in his arms, the thought of him hurt or dead spearing her heart like a knife. “No. Nothing is going to happen to you.”
“You don’t know that.”
Her grip tightened on the hilt, but she said nothing.
He let a few seconds pass, then continued. His fingers tightened over hers. “Here, draw it up like this. See this button near the thumb? It’s a safety switch. You press it first, then if you hit the red switch on the jeweled hilt a huge stream of light spills out of the tip like a laser.”
Amazed, she moved her fingers under his. “Who thinks up these things?”
“There are several employees charged with designing weapons. People like Dorky.”
“Yeah. She’s on the research team.”
“I take it this sword is used for k-killing…otherworldly dangers.”
He kissed her ear and her eyes about rolled back in her head with pleasure. “You got it.”
“Is the edge sharp, too?”
“Yep. Sharp enough to cut off a demon head or slice paper.”
“God. All this power under my fingertips. Kind of heady.”
He chuckled, and the vibration went through her back and straight to her heart. In that moment she felt a warming, an indescribably beautiful desire to bond with him always. To give him whatever he needed, support, love, her body and soul.
“Let’s put this down,” he said, moving their combined grip until the sword slipped onto the conference table, “before I lose control and do something dangerous.”
“Such as?” she asked breathlessly.
“Such as try and kiss you while we’re still gripping this sword. Not a good idea.”
Ian wrapped his arms around her middle and brought her closer against him once more, and she leaned her head back so it rested on his shoulder. She offered her neck and he brushed her hair away so he could kiss her. His palms traced up over her breasts. He plucked her nipples softly, and she shivered in spine-melting ecstasy. She’d worn a thin scrap of a bra that supported but allowed her nipples to show if she became cold or aroused.
He tongued her ear and said, “If you don’t want this now, tell me.”
She did want it. Her pussy ached, her breathing quickened, and her heart took up the pace. As he rubbed over her nipples, she shivered and couldn’t hold back a gentle moan. She’d go insane. The man knew how to turn her on faster than a pilot light. Heat flared as his touch slipped down to cup her moun
d for a quick, tantalizing second.
“Ian,” she gasped.
“Yes?” His breath came hot against her cheek as he kissed her there.
“What are we doing?”
“Mmmm.” He didn’t really answer, his hands traveling a more explicit path as he again encompassed her breasts and plucked her nipples. “These sweet little nipples are sticking up through your blouse. Damn, honey.” His next curse came low and without restraint. “Shit, you have beautiful nipples. Has anyone ever told you that?”
His hands came up and worked open the buttons on her blouse. She quivered as he found the front hook and flicked it open with one movement of his hands. As he enveloped her naked breasts in his hot palms, her pussy clenched. She felt moisture trickle and dampen her panties.
“Oh God, Ian.”
He tweaked her nipples quickly and the sharp little tug made her almost scream for relief.
“Tell me this isn’t a good idea,” he said, his voice rough with desire.
“It isn’t a good idea.”
“We should stop.”
“We should.”
“Are we?” His tongue dipped into her ear and swirled.
She shivered and moaned. “No. Please. We can’t stop now.”
His hands went to the waistband on her pants and quickly undid the button and zipper. His fingers plunged into her panties and smoothed down her stomach to her pubic hair. “Should I touch you?”
“Please.” She didn’t care if she begged.
His fingers bypassed her clit and went right for the soaked folds. As he plied her hot, weeping flesh, she whimpered.