Daryk Warrior Read online

Page 13

  Her lips were parted, her cheeks flushed. She slid her fingers into his hair and held on. “Please. Take me.”

  With one sure, deep thrust he plunged between her pussy lips and anchored straight to her womb. Her moan of pleasure spurred him on and he began a hard pumping. Her legs twined around his waist and he rested above her on his elbows. With one heated movement after the other, he thrust. He closed his eyes and savored the madness. Her creamy heat was so tight around his flesh he thought he might die with excitement. He couldn’t take much more. Shaking and gasping, he abandoned all thought and sank into Mia’s welcoming body again and again. He wanted to brand her, to somehow show her that she couldn’t escape him. That he’d own her in body and soul from here to the end of time.

  “You’re mine,” he managed to rasp.

  Her eyes opened, widened, and her lips parted. She threw back her head and cried out. He gritted his teeth as he witnessed her pleasure and drowned in the erotic sight.

  As the pleasure started to overwhelm him he growled, “Oh, fuck!”

  As her tightness trembled and pulsed around his cock, he fucked with everything he had until he came with a feral shout. Eryk poured into her, muscles trembling as he pushed as deep as he could and held himself against her womb. Repeatedly his cock filled her with his cum, offering her his essence and life.

  They collapsed into each other’s arms, sweating and panting.

  “That was…indescribable,” she said, still gasping.

  He laughed. “It has never been like that for me.”


  He rolled to his side and propped on one elbow so he could see her as she lay on her back. “Never before.”

  She looked pleased and happy, her smile broad and the flush on her cheeks still high. Draconus how he loved making her smile.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” he asked, wondering if that sick Janto bastard had forced her to give him fellatio. “I mean, to suck a cock like that.”

  She sighed, the sound contented. “I read it in a book when no one else was looking. It’s amazing what one can learn from books at an early age. Some of us snatched forbidden texts out of Janto’s personal library.”

  Eryk grunted. “Figures that bastard would have books on sexuality.”

  “Did it please you? I mean, I know it pleased you but…”

  He cupped her face and ran his fingers through her hair. “Pleasure is a mild word. You can do that to me anytime you want.” A concern pierced him. “Do you feel all right?”

  Her smile was as golden to him as a new dawn. “I’ve never felt better in my life.”

  He wanted to believe she felt well but he saw another emotion haunting her eyes and knew something unsettled remained inside her.

  * * * * *

  “I need to wander about on my own. Everyone here knows that I’m yours.” Mia didn’t like saying that out loud. She did feel owned by Eryk, and right now that didn’t settle well.

  They stood in a face-off near the door to their accommodations, a larger set of three rooms that was given Eryk shortly after they’d arrived at the castle. A week had passed and she’d started to feel cooped up and restless.

  Eryk planted his hands on his hips, a stern look in place. “You have everything you need here.”

  “Everything but freedom. If I can’t go where I please then living here is no better than Magonia.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes and for a cold moment she recalled a dismissive, furious look in Janto’s hard eyes.

  “It isn’t like living there and you know it.”

  Anger came forth easier these days too. “It is if I have no freedom.”

  He stalked toward her and she took a step back, her heart leaping.

  Eryk immediately stopped, his eyes warming with concern, his brow furrowed. “Mia, what’s wrong?”

  She rubbed her arms and turned away. She found the shawl he’d bought her the day before and slipped it around her shoulders. It was one of many items he’d bought her this last week, mostly clothing. He’d included a brush and comb and even a jeweled bracelet. The gifts had surprised and pleased Mia. Right now though, his gifts meant nothing if he insisted she stay cloistered. She must make him understand.

  “You stepped away from me,” he said. “Why? You haven’t done that in some time.”

  He was correct. The last few days she’d even approached him, shown him affection and given him kisses with a boldness that amazed her.

  “Why do you want me to stay cooped up?” she asked.

  Hesitation danced across his face. “Your health.”

  “I’m fine. Our activities…” She swallowed. Since they’d had sex at least twice a day, she’d become less inhibited with each encounter. “Our lovemaking has kept me healthy.”

  He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “There’s more to this. I spoke with other Daryk Ones and information of a disturbing nature has come to light. A massive invasion of Grimnald Castle is scheduled for a day or two hence.”

  Her mind zipped from one possibility to the other. “And you’re going to Grimnald to fight for its safety? From the rogues?”

  “Tomorrow. Yes.”

  Her mood sank and she settled on the pallet. “Oh.”

  “So you understand now.”

  “You’re afraid if you’re not here to protect me, something could happen.” Wonderment eased away some of the resentment of the situation. Eryk worrying for her brought Mia some satisfaction. “No man has ever cared for me before.”


  “Not the way you do. It is…amazing.”

  Doubt entered his face but she allowed him his delusion. He might not understand how his protection made her feel but she could explain what she felt. Something else, more primitive and male, shimmered in his gaze. For a moment she imagined he’d take her there and then. This week she’d felt better than she had in months.

  “There’s another reason why I don’t want you to leave these quarters,” he said, obviously ready to be done with the other subject. “Leadios Castle’s leader believes that maybe Drakus Fina is right and that we should kidnap Magonian women and breed them.”

  Her throat tightened at the idea. “Oh Magon.”

  He nodded, his expression a little pinched.

  “I’ve heard that Rechard Oldman, the leader of the rogues at Ledios, has a twisted respect for women. He won’t harm them but he believes Magonian women should be convinced to breed with Dragonian men. If war comes, I’ll have to take you somewhere safer.”

  “Safer than here?”



  “Anywhere isolated from the conflict.”

  Unease built inside her. “But you’re needed here. You couldn’t take me somewhere when people are relying on you.”

  “I’m not the only Daryk One here.” With a shrug, he continued, “I need to leave for a few hours to talk with some other Daryk Ones outside the castle. Garess Arch has set up a meeting. We could be gone as long as tomorrow morning.”

  “Outside the castle? Why outside?”

  “To assure there are no spies listening.”

  “Of course.” She smiled, not wanting him to see how uncomfortable this idea made her. “Asam is coming by this morning to see how I’m doing.”

  He clasped her shoulders, the warmth and concern in his eyes easing some of her trepidation. “How are you doing?”

  She knew what he meant—was she feeling weak again? Part of her reveled in his concern and the other hated to worry him. “I feel very good. I feel normal.”

  He drew in a deep breath, his face easing into a relieved smile. “Good.”

  He went to the table near the door and retrieved his sword. He strapped it on. “You have the knife I left you?”

  “Yes.” She went to the door with him and when he unlocked it she reached for him. Fear made her needy, a little desperate for reassurance.

  He drew her close and kissed her with a tenderness and…lo
ve? She didn’t know. The idea drew tears of joy to her eyes and realizing that she felt the emotion made it worse. Magon, what a time to acknowledge such a thing. She knew without a doubt she couldn’t let him leave here without him knowing the truth.

  Instead she did something else she hadn’t planned. She reached for his sword. “Take this off.”


  She decided bold was better, and the last week had proven to her that the bolder she was the more he liked it. “I want you to fuck me.”

  His eyes widened but an appreciative smile touched his mouth. “Mia, are you sure?”

  “Now.” She smiled. “Take me from behind.”

  His eyes blazed red and she sighed in satisfaction. Just one look from those fiery eyes and her body responded instantly. She was wet, aching and ready. He wrestled with his sword and scabbard and put them back on the table. When he’d put them aside, she reached for his trousers and cupped his erect cock through the fabric.

  He hissed in a breath. “Gods, Mia.”

  He took over, yanking open his trousers. With a gentle but insistent movement he turned her toward a nearby table and bent her over it. Excitement sang through her body. Many times they took each other with gentleness but other times all they seemed to want was quick satisfaction. He slid down her pants and she kicked them aside.

  “Open to me.” His voice was commanding but not arrogant and his tone added fuel to her needs.

  She did as told, bracing her legs wide and tilting her butt upward. She ached for him, longed with a throbbing intensity that shook her from the inside out. Before she could order him to hurry he placed his broad cock at her opening and slid in with one sure stroke. She cried out.

  “Draconus.” The word came out of him like a prayer. “Gods upon high, you are so tight and wet.”

  He set to work, thrusting in and out with slow, measured strokes. He reached around and cupped her breasts. When he pinched her nipples and tugged them she cried out again. She shoved back at him, moving in a cadence designed to bring their fucking to a quick close. He wouldn’t have it. With a growl he kept the movements slower. Tormented, she whimpered. He crowded her against the table, effectively making it harder for her to move. He drew his cock from her wetness then jammed inside. She cried out at the sharp, exciting force. Holding one nipple and pinching in time with his thrusts, he rammed deep. As he fucked he fondled her clit. The combination of his touch on her clit and nipple and the steady friction of his cock caressing her pussy was more than Mia could take. She screamed as orgasm ripped through her.

  He moaned loudly and his thrusts came harder and harder. A moment later he lost control and shouted. She felt his hot, thick semen bathe her and the warmth of his essence made her tingle deep within.

  “Oh Magon!” She shivered. “Eryk.”

  As if reading her mind, he continued thrusting. She was so wet he moved with ease in her pussy. The tingle inside built moment by moment until she cried out with bliss. He held her, kissed her neck as she trembled repeatedly.

  After they’d separated and cleaned up, he once more got ready to leave. They kissed tenderly.

  But then he set her aside, his face going grim. “Stay vigilant. I will see you later.”

  And with a lingering last look, he left. She stared at the door as she closed it behind him, her throat clogged with the words she hadn’t expressed. Oh Magon, why hadn’t she said them?

  * * * * *

  “You were afraid,” Asam said an hour later as they sat at the table in Eryk and Mia’s lodging.

  Mia sipped the tea Asam had recommended she drink. Two cups a day to be exact. “I’m concerned about Eryk, yes.”

  “It’s more than that.”

  Mia sighed. The pull to tell Asam everything egged her onward. “I’m having…feelings.”

  Asam nodded slowly, understanding dawning in her smile. “I see.”

  Mia sipped again then watched as Asam took a long taste from her own cup. The tea tasted flowery but it also made Mia feel calm in spite of the storm. The storm inside her and the snowstorm that threatened to batter the castle. Snowflakes had started drifting down as soon as Asam had arrived.

  “Describe the feelings.”

  Mia took the plunge. “Attachment. An aching need to be with him.” There. She’d said it to someone and admitted what frightened her the most right now. Right this minute. “For this last week the bliss has been extraordinary. The sex more than I could ever have imagined. Physically I’ve never felt better.”

  “This is a wonderful thing.”

  “Is it?” Mia shivered and drew the warm shawl closer about her shoulders.

  Asam narrowed her eyes. She pursed her lips, perhaps giving deep thought to the question. “Enjoy what you have now. Every day. That’s what life is, Mia. Right here. This moment.”

  “I know that intellectually, and I have enjoyed it tremendously. It’s so miraculous. But how can it last? Eryk will leave me someday and then where will I be? I need him to stay alive. To stay cured.”

  “It’s more than that. I sense a disturbance in you.” Asam watched Mia warily, almost as if she expected Mia to run away. “It lies at the surface, demanding to get out. You can tell me.”

  Mia fiddled with the fringe on the shawl as she leaned back in her chair. “Confessing my deepest feelings is difficult for me.”

  “Because of your culture and what you learned growing up.”


  “You’ve notice Dragonians are an emotive people?”

  Mia laughed softly. “Indeed. Eryk’s emotions always seem on the surface, ready to come out without provocation.”

  Asam’s pensive look deepened. “This man who tried to rule you and rape you on Magonia. He dominated your childhood, didn’t he?”

  “Very much so. He was the leader. Everything he said was truth as far as the Truth and Order Police believed. Those people would have done anything for him. They did.”

  “Would you have?”

  “I did most things he asked.” Shame curled in her stomach. “Most things. Things I’m ashamed to say I did.”

  “Such as?”

  Mia licked her lips, suddenly dry-mouthed. Another sip of tea cured that. “When I was younger I bullied other girls when asked.”

  Asam also leaned back in her chair, and at first Mia thought she’d angered the woman.

  “How did you bully them?”

  “I was asked to herd younger girls into the dining hall. To talk aggressively to them. I regret that every day.”

  Asam leaned across the table and held her hand out to Mia. Mia took it, warmed by the gesture.

  As their fingers linked, Asam squeezed gently. “My dear, you were just a child yourself. Manipulated by that awful Janto. You didn’t know any better.”

  Mia released her friend’s hand. “Oh but I did. And that’s the most shameful thing of all. I knew it was wrong to bully those girls and I chose to do it anyway.”

  “Would you do such a thing now?”

  “Never.” Mia said it with certainty. “Never.”

  “Then you learned somewhere along the way that you couldn’t compromise your integrity and principles.”

  Mia listened as wind howled, glad that the windows to their lodging didn’t look out on the land outside the castle but into the castle itself.

  “Did you ever make mistakes in your life?” Mia asked to distract herself from annoying physical awareness.

  Asam chuckled. “Of course. It’s a part of life. And let me tell you, they were large mistakes. I’ve been married once and lost my chance for happiness with another man.”

  Mia finished her tea with a gulp. “What happened?”

  “I married very young. At seventeen. I thought I was in love but my equally young husband decided he didn’t like that I could heal and do other things he couldn’t. He divorced me after a month.”

  “Oh no.”

  “Yes. But I’m glad he did. Having a husband who couldn’t believe in me wouldn
’t have worked. I stayed blocked off to love for many years. Ten years ago I met a wonderful man. A carpenter with very little means. Before we could marry, well, he was struck by an arrow during a raid outside Bardannia Castle and was killed. I loved him more than anything.”

  Asam’s eyes were watery, no denying that. Mia’s empathy heightened. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  Asam’s eyes cleared and the steady compassionate look returned. “Thank you. My biggest regret is that I never said I loved him. That’s what you’ve done, isn’t it? You’ve discovered that you love Eryk and have not said it.”

  The woman’s perceptiveness never failed to amaze Mia. “How did you know?”

  “It’s easy to see from how you speak of him. He’s a wonderful man, Mia. Don’t regret it like I did. Tell him the first opportunity you get.”

  “If he doesn’t love me, what will I do?” Mia wished she hadn’t sounded whiny but there it was, out for Asam to hear.

  “You will go on as you have. You are an extraordinary woman, Mia. Look at everything you’ve been through. You made it to Dragonia and freedom. To a land where at least you have equal footing with a man. You have gifts of compassion and knowledge you can share with others.”

  “Thank you.” Mia didn’t know whether all the praise was warranted but she’d take it with grace. “I feel disjointed sometimes. My concentration is horrible. I fear my illness is still holding on.”

  “It’s not the illness that makes you lose concentration, my dear. It’s the trauma of the shipwreck, the fear and anxiety.”

  Mia heard the truth in those words. “And my friends are out there somewhere.” She gestured toward one window. “Ketera and Xandra may have perished in that storm. I can’t help wondering if they’re all right.”

  “Are they strong like you?”

  “The little bit I learned about them on the ship seemed to support that.”

  “They’re fine then.”

  Mia doubted Asam’s assertion. She had no proof either one of her friends had survived the big wave that had destroyed the ship.

  Asam broke the silence. “Come. You’ve stayed inside too long. Let’s take a walk and do some shopping.”

  “Oh I have plenty of provisions here. Eryk saw to it.”