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Daryk Hunter Page 14

  He frowned as he brushed the tears from her cheeks. He kissed her nose and his arms tightened. “Never. I would never own you. But you are mine to protect.” He slipped one hand into her hair. “Then again, perhaps it is me who is owned. You’ve saved my life today. Twice, I think. For that you have my undying loyalty forever.”

  Her heart constricted with affection and desire, her emotions boiling up in a tangle of sweet feelings and lingering fear. Oh yes, he would protect her if he could. He’d move the heavens and hells to make certain they made it back to Grimnald Castle. Tender feelings swamped her, and she did the one thing she never imagined she’d do before now. She cupped the back of his neck and kissed him. It was a tiny, silly kiss with no fire, and he didn’t have time to respond.

  Surprise burned in his eyes, and so did that mysterious and almost frightening red gleam. “Hold that thought. Let me drag away this bag of guts so we don’t have to look at it.”

  He released her and marched toward the beast. She held her breath, half afraid the creature would revive and attack. “Dane, be careful.”

  He looked back and smiled. “Always.”

  He grabbed the sword and yanked it from the beast’s chest, and then with a strength she didn’t know he possessed, he took hold of the beast’s front leg and dragged the carcass down the hill out of sight. By the god, he was strong. A thrill stirred powerful feelings in her chest then straight down to her lower belly. She couldn’t define her emotions or the physical feelings they created. Love? But how would she know? She’d never felt that kind of emotion for a man. She loved her father, and when she thought of him rotting in that prison, it caused a pain so severe she wondered if she could stand it. No, this was different. It felt restless and wrong and settling and glorious all at the same time. It made her belly stir with want. She wanted him to touch her, hold her, kiss her and know her in ways a man had never known her before.

  She couldn’t deny it any longer that Dane Charger had stolen her ability to remain detached. When she left Dragonia, there would be a place missing in her heart she knew could never be filled by another man.

  In the meantime though, she could have one memory of him that would sear its way into her forever, a brand of love or lust or foolishness. Whatever the texts called it, she wanted to know it at least once.

  Dane returned quickly, which was good because her body was still shaking with fear and reaction from their close call. Close call? Hah! Try calls. She couldn’t leave this Magon-forsaken place quickly enough.

  Dane returned to the cave and bent down to wash his hands in a large puddle. He splashed his face and the hair around his face became damp. He stood, his big body looking healthy and hardy once more.

  He approached her, his eyes warm with that red glow, but this time the color was muted and he looked calm and gentle. “Are you all right?”

  “A little hungry. Are you feeling better?”

  “Much. Like I said, you saved me. How did you know to soak the weed in water?”

  She shrugged. “A happy guess apparently.”

  He grinned, and the sexy smile made her loins clench. Warmth filled the soft folds between her thighs and she grew moist. The sight of him so capable and alive made her blood run fast.

  He wandered toward her with an ease of motion that took her off guard. “If you’re hungry, we could cook the beast you killed. I hear the meat is tough but edible.”

  She shivered. “No, thank you. I’ll wait.” They met in the middle of the cave, barely six inches apart. “You’re alive and well, and that’s all I can think about right now.”

  That sexy grin turned cocky and he planted his hands on his hips. “You were worried about me?”

  Pride denied it. Her heart demanded a different answer. “Yes.”

  Her admission threw him—she saw it in his parted lips and something that could have passed for wonder. Wonder and not his usual arrogance.

  “No one, save my parents, has ever cared for me,” he said.

  He didn’t sound pitiful or as if he asked for sympathy. It was simple truth. “No other woman.”

  He shrugged. “None who ever said so.”

  “Perhaps they loved you from afar.”

  He shook his head. “Doubtful. Now that I’ve found you, I can only hope that you and I have what my parents had.”

  “And what was that?”

  “A bond that couldn’t be broken.” He sighed. “My father died for my mother. He gave his life for her and she gave her life for him.”

  She covered her mouth for a second, trying to hold back dismay. “What happened?”

  “She was outside Grimnald Castle six weeks ago when Drakus Fina and his rogues set upon the place. My father was at the top of a rampart, working. He tried to save her with his bow and arrow. He killed one of the men holding her. The other ran off with her.” Dane swallowed hard. “Father gave chase. It was a trap.”


  “Drakus waited in the jungle and used my mother as a lure. Drakus said that if my father would sacrifice himself to the dragons, my mother would be safe. Drakus despised the fact his mother…my mother, had run off with my father.”

  She rubbed one hand over her face. “Drakus was born of your mother, a Magonian. Drakus’ father was a Daryk One who was Dragonian?”


  “And your father was Dragonian?”


  Dread curled up inside her, her throat tight with suppressed emotion. “Your father sacrificed himself to the dragons?”

  Dane sighed. “Drakus wanted my mother for a sacrifice as well. Drakus had heard long ago that I’d been born and he was jealous. He’d hoped to capture me as well and throw us all to the dragons.”

  “He would kill his own mother?”

  “That’s the kind of man he is.”

  “What happened next?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “My father couldn’t bear for my mother to be harmed. He offered himself to a dragon willingly.” Dane’s voice turned low, a vibration so deep and yet sorrowful. His eyes had darkened. “My mother was forced to watch. Before she—”

  He cut himself off, sorrow etched in his face.

  She took the first step and the next, not certain what would happen but fairly certain it would change her life forever. She reached for him, touched his face. “She what?”

  “Before anyone could stop her, she ran into the dragon’s path and was killed. You see, my father was her true mate and not Drakus’ father, and her son had just committed a heinous crime. My mother’s remorse and sorrow forced her into the jaws of the dragon as well.”

  She leaned into him as his arms came around her. “Oh Dane. That’s awful. I’m so sorry. Your own brother caused their deaths.”

  He closed his eyes, and she absorbed the sensation of his muscled body as she pressed against him. “I understand now why you didn’t wish to tell me. But you…how awful for you to lose your parents that way.” She smoothed her hand over his bristly cheek. “Do you hate Drakus for it?”

  Dane’s mouth opened but nothing came out at first. “It depends on what day you ask me. Sometimes I hate my father and mother for leaving me. For leaving me and not trying to save themselves. Other days my hatred is all for Drakus and his evil heart.” Dane pulled her tighter against him. “Right now all I want to do is forget. Here. Now.”

  Her heart thundered in her ears as she leaned into every inch of his hard, hot body. Muscles rippled, and she closed her eyes a moment to savor the feeling. Before he could speak, she cupped the back of his head and stood on tiptoes to reach his mouth. She slid her lips over his. A groan left Dane, a hungry sound that growled low in his throat. Immediately he took control, his mouth urgent, tongue plunging deep to caress. They fell into a rapture she couldn’t believe, a lightning-fast explosion. Her mouth seemed meant for his as their hands found sensitive places to caress. His palms made perfect acquaintance with her butt, squeezing. He slid his hands under the waist of her pants and
cupped naked flesh. Light and hard, caressing and hard, he painted his touch upon her. Her hands raked through his hair, felt the silky, thick texture with genuine enjoyment. A moment later he shoved her shirt up her body, and his tongue and lips latched on to her nipple. As she gasped, his tongue circled flesh and the sensation tingled. Sucking strongly, he pulled at her nipple, tasted it while he tugged the other tip between finger and thumb. Each swirl of his tongue, each gentle pull of his fingers caused a startled moan to leave her throat. It was all too much, too sudden, yet not quick enough. She wanted more. Had to have more.

  He backed her against one wall, and the coldness shocked her. With one swift movement he lifted her. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  When he lifted her, she did as he asked.

  Ketera moaned against his mouth, desiring nothing more than to discover the greatest mystery with him. Their breaths mingled as one, and she fell into the moment with enthusiasm. He pushed his cock against her center in a gentle back and forth motion. Pleasure heated her body. She twisted to get closer. Moving her own hips, she started a cadence. She recalled a scene like this illustrated in the forbidden texts, and wondered if they were about to enact it in full.

  Caught up in a never-ending delight, she fell into it, followed his passion and needs with perfect understanding. His cock continued its gentle assault. Her head fell back as she moaned, reaching for that illusive pleasure that had touched her before. She wanted it. Wanted to give him the same delight.

  Before she could voice her desire, he whispered in her ear, “Come for me, Ketera.”

  He’d asked her, demanded of her that she come before, and this time the added pleasure his words gave pushed her closer to the edge. She writhed, aching deep inside and wishing there was more. More of this. More of everything. She whimpered, gasped for air as he moved his hips. Her hands moved over him frantically, searching his muscle and power. She thrived on his masculinity and wanted him with a surge of desire she didn’t know she’d possessed. Her hands scraped over his shoulders in an attempt to hold on to her rocking world.

  He returned to tormenting her breasts. On and on he sucked her nipple, causing an arousal that threatened to undo her one thread at a time. With gentle sweeps of his fingers, he tested her other nipple between his fingers. She grabbed his head, stuffed her fingers into his hair and hung on for dear life.

  “Dane, oh—” She gasped.

  He moved to the other breast while tormenting the one he’d just loved with swift brushes and tugs of his fingers. She wriggled, eager to find the answer and put an end to the torment building inside her. He hefted her higher in his arms.

  “You’re so strong.” She barely gasped out the words, amazed and yet delighted.

  “Mmm.” The vibration from his throat added pleasure to the sweep of his tongue over her aroused flesh. “You make me strong and hard.”

  Power ran through her as she’d never experienced before. She loved that she could make him like this, and in her own small way had command over him.

  Dane’s voice went throaty, a low demand. “I want you.”

  Ketera managed her next words, but they came out with difficulty. She’d never thrown herself at a man and had never wanted to until she met him. “Then take me.”

  He lowered her to the floor and drew back. His chest heaved up and down, and his cock pushed at his breeches. “I can’t.”

  Shock kept her silent for a moment. “Why? You just said you want me.”

  “You aren’t ready for this.” He used his right fist to tap his naked chest. “I’ve never had a virgin before, and I don’t want to hurt you.” He smiled then cupped her face with one big, gentle hand. “Your first time with me shouldn’t be like this.”

  To say he’d startled her was an understatement. She didn’t expect this. She rubbed her arms, a chill going through her. He drew her to his chest and cuddled her close, and she soaked in his warmth. “You’ve pursued me so relentlessly I thought for certain you’d want me when I offered myself.” She looked up at him, frowning as she thought of something. “Is that the real reason you aren’t taking me? Because I offered myself?”

  He smiled. “No. My motives are true.”

  She nodded, trepidation keeping her silent for a few moments.

  Her body ached for more. He released her and started to pace the cave. Clearly not having her was taking a toll. Long moments went by, the only sounds his heavy breathing and the scuff and thump of his boots against the ground.

  Finally she asked, “Does Drakus realize you’re his half brother?”

  Dane sighed. “Yes, Drakus has always known. Though he’s a Daryk One, he’s always lived in the jungle with his father and grew to despise me because of the lies his father told about my mother.”

  “His own mother a Magonian but he wants to hurt us.”

  Dane shook his head. “Sprite, I know that the only way Dragonians can survive is if we breed with Magonians. We need each other, but the complications are thick.”

  Curiosity overran her mouth. “Do you think that’s why you’re attracted to me? Because you’re half Magonian?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know. I was attracted to you from the moment I saw you on the beach, from the moment I held you in my arms. I remembered my father explaining many years ago that Magonians and Dragonians are not so different, and when it comes to mating, we’re the same in body if not in tradition.”

  “But Magonians are not so wild. Not so free.”

  “That’s only because of what Magonians are taught from birth to restrain their true natures and limit what they really feel. Given freedom, a Magonian is as wild as any Dragonia. You know that.”

  She did. If living a short time on Dragonia hadn’t proved it to her, nothing would. “I killed two men. I killed a beast.” Tears rose in her eyes again. “I cannot believe I did that.”

  Pain flickered through his eyes, and she wondered how she ever could have believed him her enemy. “You had no choice. You did it to survive. You are brave and more beautiful than any woman I’ve known.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks, and he returned to gather her close. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  ”Good. Then you won’t kill me when I tell you a secret.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Dane stared at Ketera, holding her shoulders and caressing her gently. Her fingers slipped over his chest, and she wanted to touch him more than anything on Croan. She kept her arms at her side, her eyes moist with more tears. By the god, she ached for him.

  She sighed. “Tell me this secret quickly then I might take pity on you.”

  He chuckled then kissed her forehead again in pure affection. “If you wish. Come close to the fire.” He maneuvered them so he sat with his back to a rock outcropping. “Sit between my thighs.” She delighted in the way his eyes smoldered. She loved how he brought out her passion, and when she sat with her back to him, he said, “Nestle your ass against my cock.” A shocked little gasp left her throat, and he was amused again. “By the god, I can’t wait to introduce you to sex in a way you’ve never imagined in your wildest dreams.”

  “Dane.” She felt breathless, her face heating uncontrollably at his words. She segued. “Tell me, Dane. What is your secret?”

  He sucked in a breath and groaned. He slipped his arms tight around her, just under her breasts and buried his face in her hair. “You smell wonderful.”

  She sniffed. “You flatter well, sir, but I know I smell of our exertion.”

  “No. You smell of pretty cunny dripping with need.”

  “Dane—” She shivered delicately in his arms as one hand cupped her left breast. “You are so…”

  “What, my sweet?” He lifted her tunic and cupped her bare breast. He gently tweaked the nipple. “What?”

  “Never mind. Tell me what your secret is.”

  “Well, it’s like this. I am half Magonian, and that proves that everything Dragonians believe about Magonians is partially wrong.”

��That’s your secret?”

  “Yes and no.”


  As his palms caressed both breasts, her breath became faster. He kept one hand on her breast, while the other slipped into the band of her pants. He barely touched her mons and she couldn’t help the excited intake of breath. He sank his fingers between her legs and found warm cream. Her hand slapped down over his, but when she didn’t stop the movement, Dane caressed her soft folds. A moan left her throat as pleasure poured through her. Perhaps they could make love. Perhaps. He caressed her nipple and toyed with the wetness between her legs.

  “Very well then. You know that Magonians don’t believe in sex for pleasure,” he said.

  Her breath hitched again, but she didn’t know if it was from her astonishment or the fact his middle finger toyed with her pleasure button. “Yes.”

  “I am part Magonian and yet that didn’t cool my blood, did it?”


  “We Dragonians like to pretend we’re superior to Magonians, but in the end we’re no better or no different. Did the texts or your scribes explain the real reason why Magonians wanted us out off the supercontinent?”

  “Other than what I’ve told you already, no?”

  His hands stilled on her, but he kept them in place, a tantalizing lead-in to what could happen next if she allowed it. “We required blood of others to survive two thousand years ago. We weren’t just banished from Magonia because of our wild passions and inquisitive nature but for our desire for blood. I didn’t tell you earlier because I didn’t think it mattered.”

  “Magon.” She stiffened in his arms.

  “Fear not. It isn’t within us anymore. We learned how to get blood from animals on Dragonia. We had to in order to survive. Then the desire for human blood disappeared after two thousand years.” When she didn’t relax, her body stiff against his, he sighed. “You know how my eyes glow red whenever my passion or anger is aroused?”


  “That is all that is left of our old ways and needs.”

  He feathered his fingers over her nipple and caressed her folds, and she wriggled in his arms. “It is against nature what we’ve done. If we’d stayed and lived in peace with the Magonians two thousand years ago, we would all flourish as one lovely continent. Dragonia would continue to be forbidden, a place of hideous creatures.”