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Daryk Warrior Page 16

  “Do not ask for more. I can’t allow it.” Rechard’s voice filled with firm conviction.

  “Asam must be protected.”

  Rechard sighed and his mouth pursed. Had she pushed one time too many?

  “From what?” he asked.

  “Everything. She’s a good woman.”

  He nodded. “Of course. As I said before, women are protected under my rule. No harm will come to her.”

  “Thank you.” She believed this man had integrity of a sort, no matter how twisted his plan was. She’d pushed as far as she could. She turned to leave.


  She stopped, her heart in her throat, and turned to face him.

  “You have my utmost respect, Mia Griffi.” His face reflected truth, eyes calm and voice low with sincerity. “Eryk Gauth is a lucky man.”

  Without another word she turned and left. She took each stair down with shaky legs, amazed and gratified at this little bit she’d accomplished. Fear still trembled in her belly, still ruled every step. She hated feeling this vulnerable but she would do whatever required to save Eryk, Asam and the other Daryk Ones who fought for this castle. Once she left the tower and crossed the courtyard she noticed how normally the castle operated. People hurried this way and that, returning to their daily business as if nothing untoward occurred two days ago.

  She’d managed to secure some safety for Eryk and a possibility he’d survive this mess somehow. With subtle feelings of relief and hope, she returned to her lodgings. Once there she knew there was one more thing she must do.

  Chapter Twelve

  Eryk and his contingent of one hundred Daryk Ones returned to the outskirts near Bardannia Castle. They set up a camp in a depression that couldn’t be seen from the castle. Clouds made the bright white snow and ice less blinding.

  “Incoming,” one man said toward the back.

  Eryk spun around and instantly recognized friends he hadn’t expected to see so soon. When he’d met with Dane Charger and Ketera Aldrancos many days ago he’d known the Daryk One had plenty to do taking care of Ketera and Grimnald Castle. Right behind him was Rayder Tyrus, a man he’d assumed had gone rogue. What the hell was he doing here?

  The Daryk Ones with Eryk and Garess greeted Dane with enthusiasm, slaps on the back and smiles. Sneers and derision followed Rayder as he walked along with Dane. One Daryk One approached Rayder and threatened with an upraised fist.

  Dane held his hand up and Eryk caught his words. “Leave him be. He’s not a rogue. He has killed Aramus.”

  “Aramus is dead?” Garess said as he stood near Eryk.

  “How?” Another man’s question came over the rumble of other voices.

  “Long story,” Rayder’s deep voice answered. “I was never a rogue. I was trying to avenge my sister’s death.” Rayder smiled. “And Aknada is alive.”

  In quick fashion Rayder and Dane explained everything that had happened to them—their meetings with the shipwrecked women who’d become their mates and the adventures that had befallen them shortly thereafter.

  Dane and Rayder reached the area where Garess and Eryk stood. Eryk smiled at his old friends then hugged each in turn. If Dane vouched for Rayder’s integrity he’d willingly forgive Rayder for anything.

  “You got my message,” Eryk said. “Didn’t think you could make it with everything going on at Grimnald Castle.”

  “We had to make sure our women were safe before we came to help yours,” Rayder said.

  It had been many days since Eryk and Garess had traveled to a peaceful Grimnald Castle to obtain more assistance and gather more Daryk Ones to their side to attack Bardannia and take it back. When Eryk had last seen Dane all had been well there. Much had changed, obviously. Then a message had come from Rayder, and in that message he’d explained why he’d pretended to go rogue and how Aramus had met his demise.

  “Mia will be glad to hear her friends are well,” Eryk said with a growing sense of relief. “She’ll want to reunite with them soon.”

  “We have a lot of work to do.” Garess made a waving motion. “We need to form a plan.” He turned his attention to Eryk. “The two of us know Bardannia Castle better than anyone. We have a plan everyone will have to follow to the letter.”

  “There’s someone coming across the ice,” a Daryk One said as he pointed toward the snowy wasteland between their encampment and Bardannia.

  One man peered across the landscape with a spyglass. “It’s a woman.”

  Eryk’s heart leaped, a wild idea bouncing into his head. What if Mia had managed to escape? Not likely. He snatched the spyglass out of the man’s hand.

  “Draconus, it’s Asam,” Eryk said. “She’s the healer I took Mia to see.”

  “Could be a trap,” one of the other Daryk Ones said.

  “No.” Eryk’s voice was firm. “She can be trusted.”

  Eryk’s stomach twisted as he worried about Mia. By the god, if anything had happened to her because he hadn’t been there to protect her he would never forgive himself. His need to see her, to hold her in his arms, became stronger every moment. It was killing him inch by inch to not be near Mia.

  The woman took quite a time to cross the distance. When she arrived at the ridge Eryk reached up and grabbed her so quickly she didn’t have time to scream or react. Her eyes went wide with fright until she saw him. He released her quickly and she scanned the large group of men nearby, all of them watching her closely.

  Asam held one hand to her throat. “The seven or more hells, Eryk Gauth. You scared me half to death.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to scream and alert anyone.”

  She shook her head. “Quite all right.” A warm smile encompassed her face. “I’m so glad you’re finally here. Mia is worried to death about you, even though she is trying to hide it.”

  “Is she all right?” Eryk had to know.

  “She’s very well.”

  Eryk’s relief flooded him with happiness.

  Asam filled in Eryk and the other men on all that had happened and Eryk felt his gut clench and a burning desire to kill at the idea of Rechard being interested in Mia. From what Asam said the man wanted Mia but wouldn’t act on it.

  “Why were you out here alone?” Garess asked, suspicion high in his voice. “Why did they let you out here?”

  Asam winked at him. “You underestimate a healer’s charm on a vulnerable man. I asked one of the rogues to allow me outside to hunt for snow cave herbs for the injured. I have plenty but he didn’t know that. Mia said that she sensed you might be out here. It was the only way we could think of to let you know how we’re doing. And to give you intelligence on what’s happening at the castle.”

  Eryk smiled. “Rechard’s going to regret the day he attacked Bardannia and underestimated you and Mia.”

  He meant every word of it.

  Asam put her hand on his arm, reining in his anger for the moment. “First you have to hear what Mia has planned. It’s important.”

  * * * * *

  “I’m surprised Eryk agreed to my plan.” Mia took a deep breath and let her concern have a voice. “Perhaps it won’t work.”

  “Don’t worry yourself, my dear,” Asam said. “It will work. Few men, even those as intelligent as Rechard, would guess that a woman’s gentle suggestion would be their downfall.”

  A huge rumbling sound echoed from the front of the castle.

  “What is that sound?” Asam asked as Mia placed soup bowls on the table.

  “Thunder,” Mia replied without thinking.

  “We don’t get thunder snow very often but I suppose it’s possible.” Asam shrugged as if she didn’t care.

  Another rumble echoed through the castle again as Mia sat down and picked up her soup spoon. Both of them stopped and listened.

  “Gods, it isn’t those dragons again, I hope,” Asam said.

  It hardly seemed as if more than a week had passed since Bardannia Castle succumbed to the rogue attack. Life had settled into a gentl
e routine at odds with what Mia expected. After all, a battle had destroyed part of this beautiful castle and changed the lives of so many. When Asam had made her way out of the castle in hopes of making contact with Eryk, Mia had wished with everything inside her that he was out there, plotting a way to get back to her. When Asam had returned safely and with a story of successfully meeting with Eryk and his followers, Mia had never felt more excited, more relieved to hear anything.

  Tension returned to her spine as she sat up straight.

  “Perhaps your man is coming for you.” Asam sipped at her soup, spoon dipping into the bowl with a steady movement. “You know he will.”

  Mia knew just as certainly as her friend spoke the words. In Magonia few men had ever shown her respect but Eryk had given her every kindness, had shown her what love could be like. Yes, love. And when she saw him again, he’d know it.

  “I wish I’d been able to see him. But I know there are spies watching. Rechard is suspicious.”

  “I think he’s more than suspicious, my dear. I’m not sure I trust his assurances to you.” Asam smiled. “But it matters not. Eryk will be with you soon.”

  Mia sighed but the sound signified hope, not worry. “That would be wonderful.”

  Mia had tried day after day to calm her fears for Eryk with meditations Asam had taught her. They’d worked amazingly well, allowing her to tap into reserves of strength and contentment Mia hadn’t realized she possessed. Even with Eryk away from her Mia stayed healthy. Perhaps Asam’s predictions she’d need Eryk’s strength would fall short. Maybe her heath would stay firm, remain intact even without his hands touching her, his mouth on hers and his cock inside her. She almost groaned at the thought as a hot, desperate need reawakened in her body. Late at night in her bed she’d felt a need almost too hot to ignore. Had almost given in to a desire to touch herself and imagine what his hands would feel like drifting over her. No, when ecstasy came to her again it would find her because Eryk brought it forth.

  Asam coughed and caught Mia’s glance. Mia’s cheeks heated.

  “Don’t worry, dear.” Asam grinned, her gaze conveying amusement. “I have an inkling of what you’re thinking but it goes no further than that.”

  Mia took a sip of water. “Thank Magon.”

  Asam’s laugh burst out, hearty and unrestrained. The contagious sound made Mia snort with laughter then join in on a full-blown wail of amusement. They gasped and wiped their eyes as the hard laugh finally wore out.

  “Why was that so funny?” Mia asked.

  Asam laughed again, softly and restrained. “Maybe because we needed it. Laughter is good for the body as well as the mind.”

  Mia’s mood had lifted enormously when she’d learned from Asam that her friends Ketera and Xandra had survived the shipwreck. Asam had learned this from Rayder Tyrus, who protected Xandra Shorenus. Ketera Aldrancos had found love with Dane Charger, the ruler of Grimnald Castle.

  “I have a feeling Eryk and his men will work their way into this castle bit by bit.” Asam lifted her mug in a sort of salute.

  “Rechard’s men are many.” Mia finished her soup and pushed the bowl aside. She stuffed her fingers into her hair and leaned her elbows on the table. “How can anyone fight against that?”

  “You did, Mia.” Asam leaned on the table, her attention pinpointing Mia. “Your healing and power to calm the dragons brought this peace to fruition. Without you it wouldn’t be possible.”

  “But you can calm dragons.”

  Asam waved a hand in dismissal. “I didn’t know I could until I ventured outside the walls with you. Whether you know it or not you have a lot to teach Dragonia. A lot to teach many.”

  Mia went silent, uncertain how to respond for a whole minute. “I’m not used to such praise. I don’t know what to do with it. I don’t know how to believe it.”

  “Don’t worry. Give yourself time. Few people are restored to their full purpose in life over a short time. It takes time to know who you are.”

  Asam’s words brought Mia’s full attention to the forefront. “You are an amazing woman, Asam. I’ve learned so much from you. I have a feeling there’s even more to know and understand.”

  Asam’s eyes held kindness and understanding, as they always did. “It isn’t a mistake that you’re here in this time and place learning who you are and your purpose. And Eryk will help you understand that purpose too.”

  It was overwhelming. Amazing to think that she, Mia Griffi, had a purpose other than just following orders and hiding the truth from others. Yet she’d left Magon for that purpose. Perhaps it took a little time to believe it.

  “You’re not nervous now, are you?” Asam asked.

  “No. Not at all.”

  Mia knew her friend tried to lower her anxiety and she appreciated the attempt. Meditation had given Mia the ability to suspend her fear far more than she could have before and her gratitude to Asam would remain everlasting.

  A knock on the door made Mia start and Asam instantly rose to her feet to answer the summons. She unlocked and opened the door wide. A man wearing a thick winter cloak with the hood pulled up stepped up.

  His face was obscured until he drew the hood off his head and the covering from his features.


  Mia gasped in amazement and excitement and leapt to her feet. She rushed toward Eryk just as Asam closed the door. Eryk’s strong arms went around Mia, embracing her with heat and power.

  “Draconus.” He buried his face in her hair, his voice gruff with emotion, rusty with need. “Mia.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder and moaned in relief. “Eryk. What are you doing here?”

  His fingers caressed her hair, his voice a low rumble that tingled along her skin like a touch. “I came for you, of course.”

  Immediately she drew back. “Wait. You’re in danger. Don’t you intend to charge the castle with many men? There are far too many rogues here for you to take on by yourself.”

  Asam cleared her throat. “I’ll be back later after you two get reacquainted. Much later.” She smiled and left the lodgings.

  Eryk released Mia long enough to bolt the door then returned to gather her against his powerful body. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m wonderful, but worried about you. You did not answer my question. You can’t take on all those men.”

  “I came earlier than I told Asam I would. I didn’t want anyone other than Garess, Dane and Rayder to know my plans.” He cupped her face. “When I saw Asam and she told me your plan I simply told her I’d come to you soon.”

  Panic rushed through her. “Wait. Do you suspect her? She would never betray you.”

  “I know she wouldn’t. But I couldn’t allow your plan to go through and had to come as soon as possible.”

  She sighed and brushed a palm over the bristle on his jawline. His hair was tousled, lying along his shoulders. Thick. Glossy. As beautiful and powerful as the man himself. His eyes shone with happiness to see her.

  “My plan? But—”

  He kissed her, effectively stifling her protest. Yet it was a sweet, gentle kiss. As if he feared frightening her. Before he could pull back she threw her arms around his neck and held on to the sensation of his mouth on hers. She tasted his mouth with her tongue. Boldness overtook her as a feral yearning burst to life and a need to fulfill it became imperative. With a low growl he tightened his hold, his tongue thrusting into her mouth with enthusiasm and setting her blood alight. The continual thrust and retreat of his tongue reminded her of the pleasure she’d feel when his cock plunged in and out of her pussy. She shifted, moved as their bodies relearned each other. Soft moans left her throat as he traced and touched with an urgency she gladly accepted. Her own explorations learned the textures, tastes and masculine heat.

  She drew back. “I hate that you put yourself in danger for me.”

  “No more than I hated being without you.” Eryk’s lips trailed from her cheek to her ear. “Your scent.” He breathed deeply.
“Your soft sweet body. You intoxicate me.”

  Eryk shivered against her as if he couldn’t control his reaction. She quivered as well when he traced her ear with his tongue then bathed a path down her throat. Hot, liquid need pooled in her loins and an instant ache demanded fulfillment. Now that she’d experienced his affection, his way of making her writhe and scream in delight, she wanted it again. And she wouldn’t be without a moment longer.

  When his mouth found hers again and his fingers worked open the laces on the front of her tunic she arched and moaned softly. He drew her tunic over her head and buried his face between her breasts. He didn’t touch them, didn’t command or lick or taste. He breathed her in as if he feared to never know her touch again after this moment. Tenderness and lust speared her like a sword. She couldn’t wait as the ache between her thighs grew strong and demanded she quench it. She grabbed at his waistband and he laughed softly when he looked up at her.

  “Eager, are we?” he asked, voice husky and smile teasing.

  She touched him through his trousers, cupping his long, thick cock and heavy balls. He hissed in a breath.

  “I want this,” she said, her breath coming faster.

  His eyes blazed from warm darkness to molten light. “Yes.”

  He picked her up and her legs went around his waist. She ground her hips into his erection as the potent fervor in her body increased. He laid her on the bed and quickly did away with his outerwear, his tunic, boots and last his trousers. He was naked, a feast for her eyes as he stood with his hands on his hips. Mia drank deeply of him, gaze running from his chiseled features to the broad chest and powerful arms. She allowed her gaze to take in the thick hair framing his cock. Before she could make a move he drew off her boots. He snagged her pants and smoothed them down her legs. Naked, she lay looking up him and saw pure admiration and desire for her lighting him from within. She vowed to please him, drive him to the limits of his endurance. She would give Eryk Gauth every imaginable fantasy.

  “Do everything you want to me, Eryk.”

  He crawled onto the bed, his expression surprised. “Everything?”