Daryk Warrior Page 19
Eryk’s assertion was true, Mia realized, as they settled into Grimnald Castle a month later. An uneasy peace had come to Dragonia. No one knew how long it would last but her happiness with Eryk built day by day.
All her friends now lived at Grimnald Castle, with the exception of Asam, who stayed at Bardannia where people needed her the most.
Today Mia wandered Grimnald with contentment. She’d continued her meditations daily and found anxiety and fear less a part of her day. While war had not been vanquished on Dragonia entirely, progress had been made.
She walked into the great hall, where a large meal was set out. A fire burned in the huge hearth, chasing away an unusual cold that had settled over the jungle.
Mia smiled as she saw Ketera sitting next to Dane and Xandra next to Rayder. Rayder’s sister Aknada and her husband Marc sat on the other side. Eryk waited for Mia, his smile genuine and warm.
“Come sit with me.” Eryk held out his hand.
She held his warm hand as he drew her into the chair beside him. A month had passed since the siege of Bardannia Castle. During that time Eryk and Mia had grown closer, their love growing and deepening. Beyond all that, Mia had discovered the joy of reuniting with Ketera and Xandra. On the ship she’d known they could be good friends and at Grimnald she’d discovered how right she was. Relief had filled her when she witnessed how happy her friends were, how the Daryk Ones cherished them.
As they ate the bountiful food and drink before them Mia stayed in the moment and savored the joy of it. Xandra’s and Ketera’s smiles brought her equal happiness.
“Do you ever think this conflict will end?” Xandra asked everyone.
“How can it when there are men like Drakus who still want to enslave women?” Ketera asked.
“Time, ladies. All we can do is fight Drakus until he can fight no more,” Rayder said and clasped Xandra’s hand. He kissed her fingers. “Don’t worry. We’ll protect you.”
Xandra’s answering look turned wicked. “I know you will.”
“One way or the other, we’ll survive this conflict. I swear it to you.” Dane gave Ketera a loving look.
“Are you happy?” Eryk asked Mia.
Mia could tell the truth without hesitation. “More than I could have imagined. I’m here with all of you. I couldn’t ask for anything better.”
Peace had found Mia and her friends here and now, and perhaps someday peace would come to Magonia and Dragonia once and for all.