Nightfall Read online

Page 5

  Before Alexander could take her upstairs to show her an apartment, three young women came down the stairs at the same time along with Ian MacDaniel and Adam Becker.

  She’d met all of them at one time or the other, although Ian, Adam, and Mark were usually working and she hadn’t seen much of them over the last year. They greeted her with concern and politeness.

  “No one is getting to you in here,” Adam said, his craggy face filled with confidence. “I’m glad the General brought you here.”

  Ian brushed one hand over his short reddish blond hair and spoke with his thick Scottish accent. “You’re safer here than anywhere else.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Even though she’d met the women before, however briefly, they introduced themselves again. Each one greeted her with a hug and assurances they’d help her any way they could. The women were as different as they could be in many ways, but Patty liked them all. She was quite a bit older than them, and although they seemed to be mature young women, she felt a little out of place at forty-five years old.

  Mally Andretti-Becker, Adam’s wife, was tall with russet curly hair that fell to her waist. She wore a nondescript navy sweater and jeans. Penny MacDaniel, Ian’s wife, had beautiful, rich cocoa brown hair falling in waves to her shoulders. She wore an oversized red sweater, jeans, and athletic shoes. Both Mally and Penny were fairly tall just like Patty, but Juliet Van Pelt, Mark’s wife was shorter and had pixie-short brown hair with intriguing gray streaks. Her clothing was brighter and more youthful looking than the other two women, even if she appeared around the same age. She wore a form-fitting long-sleeved shirt and a type of long skirt that fell to ankle boots.

  Penny eyeballed Patty with curiosity, and she wanted to tell the young woman she didn’t have to worry. She wasn’t a barracuda who had designs on her father. No, if she was smart she’d probably remain free of romantic entanglements with a man as powerful and lethal as Alexander.

  “Dad,” Penny said. “She looks exhausted. Did you have any dinner yet, Patty?”

  Tiredness dogged Patty’s heels and her stomach felt hollow. “No, I didn’t.”

  “Come on, let’s get up upstairs.” Alexander grabbed her suitcase and Patty followed. “We’ll fix something to eat after we get the supplies upstairs.”

  “We’ll bring up some food and things from storage for the extra apartment,” Mally said.

  Patty offered to help them carry things upstairs, but they wouldn’t hear of it.

  Patty returned the warmth she felt. “Thanks, guys. I appreciate this more than I can say.”

  Upstairs Alexander walked them past four apartments. One housed him and the other three were taken by the men and their wives. Two other apartments were empty.

  Alexander stopped at the apartment furthest from the others and unlocked the door. When they went in she was instantly impressed. Okay, blown away more accurately described her reaction. It had its own living room, kitchen, dining area, bathroom, den and bedroom. She followed him from room to room, admiring the Tuscan colors, rich and masculine with burnt red, muted green, and understated rich gold. She loved the rustic furniture that looked more antique than modern. Alexander left her suitcase in the bedroom. She admired the walk-in closet and big garden tub. In her house she’d never had amenities this nice, even though her home was bigger than the apartment. The king-sized bed created an image in her head of Alexander sprawled on it, naked and waiting for her.

  Oh man. Get that right outta your head, woman.

  A knock at the door sent them hurrying out of the bedroom, thank goodness. Alexander answered the door. Everyone carried a variety of groceries she’d need for a short stay.

  “This is so nice of you,” she said, overwhelmed by their kindness when they’d made a few trips from storage.

  “Anything for the General’s—” Mark cut himself off.

  Smiles spread over several faces, except Alexander’s. He threw a glare at Mark and Ian slapped Mark on the back.

  “Come on,” Ian said as he gripped Mark by the back of the neck and sort of walked him toward the door. “Let’s get you out of here before the General tears you a new one.”

  Alexander smiled and waved. “Everyone out. We need to give Patty some room.”

  With a chorus of goodbye’s everyone but Alexander left. He closed the door and turned toward her, and Patty’s stomach did a jump and tumble.

  “You doing okay?” he asked.

  She realized she was clutching her handbag across her belly as if she were defending against something. She set it on the kitchen counter. “I’m surprised, but I’m really tired.”

  He walked toward her, and every step he took her belly did a little flip of excitement she seemed unable to control. He stepped near her, close in a way that definitely insinuated intimacy. She was caught in his gaze and not sure she wanted to escape. He’d shed the battle gear when he came into the compound, but he still looked like six feet of don’t-mess-with-me male. Her libido seemed to have found a new youth as she allowed her gaze to take him in.

  Aware that she was ogling, she cleared her throat and leaned back against the counter. “I’d like to cook dinner for everyone tomorrow. If they’re available. As a thank you.”

  A gentle smile curved his mouth. “That’s a nice gesture. They’ll love it. Hell, I’ll love it.”

  He reached up and brushed a piece of her hair back from her face and tucked it behind her ear. His fingers brushed over sensitive skin and she shivered in delight.

  In response, she caught his hand and pressed it to the side of her face. “It’s the least I can do. You came to my rescue and now you’re putting me up here. Thank you, Alexander.”

  “Like I said, I’d do anything to protect you.”

  She almost asked him why. Almost quizzed him. She’d never felt this level of protection from a man. Certainly Dominic hadn’t given her that feeling. Her throat tightened, her senses overwhelmed by Alexander’s physical presence.

  “You’re an amazing man.” She released his hand and it slipped away.

  He edged even closer, and by the look in his eyes she thought she knew what he intended. Maybe he wanted to kiss her.

  But then he said, “We’re going to take care of this, understand? Whatever it takes, Dominic won’t get near you again.”

  Worry returned, plaguing her with questions and what ifs. “Even if the police arrest him, you know how the legal system is now. Things are still recovering. It’s just as likely they’ll let him go and tell him to return to Bangor. If he’s intent on harming me…” She shrugged. “Wait, what do you mean whatever it takes?”

  He planted his hands on his hips. “I mean if you have to move in here permanently, sell your house, whatever it takes.”

  She frowned as an old feeling overtook her. “You heard what I said about controlling me, right, Alexander? That’s not an option. I’m so grateful for your help, but I have to make my own decisions.”

  He brushed one hand over his short hair and sighed. He closed his eyes a moment. Before she knew it, he’d moved in closer. She shivered under the intensity of his stare.

  “I’m not trying to control you, but sometimes the general in me slips out. I spent a lot of years ordering people around, and I’m unlearning that.”

  She smiled a little. “You have responsibilities and people working under your command. I understand that.”

  He return her grin. “Yeah, but not in personal relationships. If I say anything that sounds like an order, I can promise you it’s not because I think you can’t take care of yourself. You’re an incredible, independent woman and I admire that.”

  Gratified, she nodded. “I’m flattered. That means a lot to me.”

  “It’s all true. I don’t lie.”

  “I appreciate that. Neither do I.”

  He cupped her face gently and kissed her on the forehead. Arousal swirled low in her belly at his simple touch.

  He pressed his forehead to hers a moment be
fore gazing into her eyes. “If I get a little crazy it’s because it scares the shit out of me that any harm could come to you.”

  His words held passion and conviction, and the tenderness in his eyes threw her back. The fact Alexander could be scared for her and admit it blew her away. She sensed it was taking a lot for him to admit caring this deeply.

  Before she could speak, his mouth tasted hers gently. She responded, her body thrilled at the sweet heat generated by his touch. She caressed his forearms and held on to all that incredible strength. Too quickly he broke away. She yearned for more, and caught his hand before he could step back.

  “Truly, thank you, Alexander. I’m relearning some things myself. I’m not used to having a man care. Not really. Dominic wasn’t interested in protecting me.”

  He kissed her hand. “That’s about to change right now. We can talk about what to do next tomorrow.” When he released her hand he glanced at his watch. “It’s getting late and you’re probably exhausted. You’ve got a full fridge if you’re hungry. If you need anything I have my cell phone on me. I’ll be downstairs in the office for a while, but don’t hesitate to call whatever time it is.”


  He left, and she stood in the middle of the foyer for a few moments trying to gather her scattered thoughts. Patty had meant every word when she’d said she wouldn’t be ordered around, yet she’d also been sincere that she was grateful for his protection.

  I could become way too used to all this attention. It was heady having a man doting on her in any way, offering his full resources to make certain she stayed safe.

  She yawned, any energy she had draining away now that excitement had died down. She was glad he’d left, because even though she needed sleep, she might’ve just grabbed Alexander and kissed him until…well, she knew what might’ve happened. Her face burned at the thought of going to bed with him, curiosity and need vying with her normal sense of caution.

  Not tonight, Patty. Not tonight.

  * * * *

  “Son-of-a-bitch,” Alexander hung up his office phone.

  He stared at the information he’d written down on Dominic Cantrelli. Alexander had called his contacts at the local police department for information on Patty’s ex-husband and discovered the guy had stayed off the radar since he’d retired. Officers in Buckleport knew of him only from Bangor police. Alexander’s two contacts related that Dominic had a decent reputation insofar as his police work went. Rumors had it that Dominic had dated one woman a year ago who’d considered pressing assault charges on him, but she’d withdrawn it and moved away. It was that last bit that worried Alexander. He’d also learned that Cantrelli owned a cabin in the woods outside Buckleport. Police had checked there, but there was no sign of the man.

  Alexander sighed. Normally, when he sat in this office, he found the relative peace a balm to his nerves. Sure, there was paperwork. Absolutely there was the aggravation of the job. Yet doing the work had defined him for so long. First it was the army, and now since retirement from the military, he had Sentry Security to define his purpose. When he’d met Patty after Long Valley, he’d found new direction and desires. Yeah, she didn’t know how deeply she affected him. Or maybe she was getting a clue now that he’d opened his mouth and confessed a few things.

  He scrubbed one hand over his face and looked at the clock. Almost nine in the evening and it had been a damned long day. His nerves were raw and jumbled, which didn’t make any damned sense. He’d experienced a lot hairier situations than Patty’s ex trying to get in her house. Yet his mind seemed primed to rumble, bouncing from here to there. He knew what he wanted, and he no longer wished to wait for it. No, not a what, but a who.

  Patty Reynolds.

  He closed his eyes and remembered when he’d first seen her all those months ago, a week after her bakery had been attacked by thugs. Mally, Adam and Mark had walked in on the situation. Actually, Mally had walked in on it in her capacity as a member of the team and had taken down the perpetrators. When he’d learned that Patty was struggling in her business, he’d gone in to see her and the sight of her had knocked him over. Tall, slim but curved in all the right places, she had a pretty face and gorgeous hair. The fact her hair was sprinkled with small rivers of gray, did nothing to diminish her appeal. He’d been immediately intrigued, ready to launch a full frontal assault and ask her out. That hungry need, out of nowhere, had scared him shitless. So he’d backed off the idea and gone for slow and simple instead. Every week he bought pastries, cupcakes, or donuts for the team. Every week he saw Patty and every week he admired her more.

  A knock on is door made him jump slightly. Fuck, his nerves were on edge.

  “Come in,” he called out.

  The door opened a crack and Penny peeked around the door with a smile. “Okay if I come in, Dad?”

  He waved a hand toward the chairs in front of his desk. “Of course, sweetie.”

  She entered, bundled up in a sweater and jeans, a smile on her pretty face, and sank into one of the chairs.

  “What are you doing up so late?” she asked, her smile wreathed in a conspiracy.

  He pushed his chair back so he could slouch. He linked his hands behind his head. “What? I’m up this late on a regular basis.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Right. I thought you said you were going to stop working so hard.”

  He sighed. “I discovered that’s not an option anytime soon. The only thing keeping us going is the government work trying to keep the peace and protect citizens.”

  Penny’s hair slid over her shoulders and she looked down. “I know. But at least things are getting better.”


  Penny returned to smiling. “Okay, Mister Doom and Gloom. Guess who is using the exercise equipment at this time of night?”

  “Why would I care?”

  “Patty. She must be in there bleeding off some stress.”

  Concern hit him. “Damn.”

  “She’s a very nice lady. I like her a lot.”

  The tone in his daughter’s voice told him Penny was up to something. He lifted one eyebrow and leaned on his desk. “I like her, too.”

  She laughed. “Duh.”

  He closed his eyes and sighed again. When he opened them Penny’s mischievous expression hadn’t changed. “What are you getting at?”

  “When is she moving in with you?”


  “Dad, you’re not deaf. We all know you care about her.”

  “Well there’s a big leap between caring about a woman and moving in together.”

  She rolled her eyes to the ceiling for a second before shaking her head. “You’ve known her over a year.”


  “So don’t try to pretend this is a superficial relationship.”

  “She doesn’t have anyone she can turn to.”

  “You’re saying that’s all she is to you? A damsel in distress that’s a friend? Ian mentioned how scared you looked when you rushed out of here earlier today to rescue her.”

  Ah, hell, Graham. You’re not getting yourself out of this one. His daughter was way too savvy.

  He twiddled his thumbs. “It doesn’t matter what I feel or think. She’s probably not ready for anything like that. She’s already chastised me a couple of times because she thought I was trying to order her around.”

  Penny frowned. “Were you?”

  “I think I came off like it. But I explained to her that I understood her independence. I’m not trying to change that.”

  “You’re worried she’ll get hurt. That her ex will do something to her.”

  “Of course.”

  She sighed. “Just like you were worried I’d get hurt when I came from California.”

  “I’ve always worried about you. I know you didn’t get that at first. You’re my little girl, damn it.”

  “I know. And I love you for it.” All humor was gone from her face. “It sounds like she’s gun-shy.”

p; Alexander found the conversation too damned personal. Here he was talking about women with his own daughter. But on the other hand, this discussion wouldn’t have happened a year or so ago. He’d learned a lot since then, and she’d forgiven him for being too much of a hands-off father.

  “Any tips for an old codger like me? How to charm a beautiful lady?” he asked.

  “Old codger? Dad, you’re only forty-nine.”

  “Fifty next month.”

  He knew Penny had forgiven him for what had happened between him and her mother. “So you wouldn’t feel weird if Patty and I dated?”

  “No. If you think about it, you’ve been dating her for a year.” She smiled and made a face at him. “Not very romantic dates, that’s for certain, but…”

  He snorted. “Right. It’s a little hard to create romance in this world when shit keeps falling apart around us on a daily basis.”

  “It’s getting better, Dad.” She shifted to the edge of her chair. “Don’t worry. Mom was…she was special in her own way, but she had a lot of problems. A lot of things you couldn’t have solved if you’d been more open, sent her flowers, been with her all the time. You know that now. Time to stop being afraid of making a mistake. Just be genuine with Patty. Let her in. Tell her what you feel. All of it. Don’t let your reserve get in the way.”

  He nodded and smiled. “Okay. How did you get to be so damned smart?”

  She stood and came around the desk. “Well, I am my father’s daughter.”

  He rose from his chair and gave her a big hug. “Love you, sweetie.”

  “Love you, Dad.” She pulled back and started for the door. “And now to prove I’m your daughter I’ll use a little of your bossy technique. Stop working so hard and go to bed. Or go and talk to Patty if she’s still in the gym.”

  He saluted. “Yes, ma’am.”

  After Penny left, he stood there for several seconds before turning off his computer for the night and heading to the workout room.

  Chapter 5

  The door to the gym opened as Patty exited the bathroom area. Her damp hair dangled down her back, though towel dried enough that it didn’t drip. The tote bag in her hand held shampoo, soap and her dirty sweat clothes lay over her other arm. She stopped in her tracks as Alexander walked inside and the door swung closed. His hair was mussed, as if he’d been running his hands through it. His sweater slicked over his broad shoulders, outlining outstanding biceps and amazing forearms. He looked, in every way, delectable. If there was ever a man that defined the expression Silver Fox, he was it. She almost grinned. Did anyone even use the term “fox” to describe a great-looking man anymore? God, I feel old.