Daryk Warrior Read online

Page 4

  “No.” He held his hand up, his word sharp and final. “That is shite. Healers do not drive away dragons. It’s not possible.”

  Anger gave her strength and destroyed her misplaced desire. “Well it is for me. It’s one of the reasons why I had to leave Magonia. Because of the same ridiculous attitude you have.”

  She turned away from him, so perturbed she barely cared about his injury. She heard him shuffling around behind her as he picked up the water bladder and drank from it. Her gaze fell upon the destroyed man at the cave entrance. She shuddered in disgust. The wild feeling that had caused the pack to move on its own seemed to have disappeared, flaring and then extinguished with his touch.

  “We need to get out of here. Morgreem could come back with more rebels.”

  “What did you do to get on their bad side?”

  “As I mentioned before, there is a war on. Daryk Ones who turned their back on their vow to protect the weak and innocent from evil. They are the evil now, raping women and forcing them to have babies against their will.”

  She winced.

  “And if they get a hold of you,” he continued, “the same will happen. You will be a breeder on Dragonia just as you might have been on Magonia.”

  Her mind and body rebelled against the very idea.

  She swallowed what she wanted to say, just as she had so many other times in her life. She hated herself for it. What else could she do in the circumstances? She could continue her quest to find somewhere in this world she could live an authentic life.

  She almost laughed. What life? If she didn’t find a healer to cure her there was nowhere she could go where it would matter. Frustrated, she turned toward him. Eryk looked strong enough to slaughter a dragon on his own but she knew if she hadn’t healed him he would have stayed unconscious far longer. She could try explaining it to him but knew he wouldn’t give a damn and wouldn’t believe.

  Instead she said, “Anything that keeps the Truth and Order Police away from me is a good thing.”

  One of his eyebrows twitched. “Truth and Order Police?”

  “You haven’t heard of them?” She couldn’t resist a small smile. “Interesting. Something you don’t know. As a Scribe I wrote lies for the people to believe. The Truth and Order Police enforced the law created by those lies.”

  “Draconus.” His voice filled with disbelief. “And they’re after you?”

  She inhaled deeply, memories assaulting her as she thought about the frantic days before she escaped her old life. “Yes. As it is, I was lucky that no one on the ship was particularly sympathetic to the Truth and Order Police. Or when I reached Opali I would have been turned in. But then the storm and the wave came…”

  He nodded. “Perhaps the storm was lucky for you.”

  She didn’t know what to think of the storm or her so-called luck. “I planned to take a boat…” She sighed and started again. “I’d arranged to take a smaller craft from Opali in secret to Dragonia.”

  “You lost that money.”

  “Of course.” Her strength wavered as tears threatened. She swallowed hard and banished the tears. “The Truth and Order Police won’t venture to Dragonia. I knew if I got here I’d be safe from them.”

  “Which is worse? The Truth and Order Police or the dangers you face here?”

  “I’ll take the unknown dangers of Dragonia over the ones I know about on Magonia.”

  He frowned. “That bad?”

  “You have no idea.” She didn’t intend to tell him about the disease that would ravage her, that already ate away at her strength day by day.

  Eryk’s expression turned inward, as if he gave true consideration to what she said. Surprised, she waited for his next thought.

  He caught her staring at him and for a fraction of time his gaze softened. “Come on, let’s go.”

  * * * * *

  Eyrk made a path through the jungle where people had treaded no more than a few hours ago. Better to use the path rather than carve a new one and dull his sword. Mia walked behind him. He checked on occasion to make sure she hadn’t fallen behind. She stayed close. For a woman she had strong physical prowess. Perhaps he should drop her off at Austos Castle or Felican Castle on the way to Bardannia Castle and avoid complications of having a tagalong. Curiosity and something more primal made him want to keep her near him.

  What had she done to him in the cave?

  When he’d come to on the cave floor, her hand on his head and a surge of power flowing from her into him, it had filled him with fear. He wouldn’t allow a woman to control him. Certainly not a woman convinced she could heal people. Memories of a time long ago filled him with anger and reminded him why he didn’t give reverence to healers as so many other people did. Healers hadn’t saved Yamina. He swallowed, his throat tight, his resolve complete. If Mia claimed to be a healer, all the better to leave her at another castle and wash his hands of her. If she wanted to travel to Grimnald on her own, so be it. He didn’t have time to shepherd a lone woman bent on an adventure.

  His sexual leanings toward her puzzled him. The desire he had for her almost brought Eryk to his knees. Gods and goddesses, she’d stirred a need to fuck deep within him. A primitive, wild need that he’d never felt before. A good fight could bring out normal mating instincts but this…this had almost toppled his control.

  Determined that he wouldn’t give in to any softer feelings because of Mia’s gender, he pushed through the jungle. She didn’t protest the punishing pace, as he knew many women would. Yamina would have protested loudly if he’d subjected her to a walk like this. He shook off memories of his old lover. He hadn’t thought much about her in the many years since she’d died. Why did he think of her now? Because no woman he’d known could compete with her?

  By late afternoon they’d reached the region near Felican Castle. Mia had shown strength all day, eating and drinking enough. Still, she didn’t look good. She was pale, and he didn’t think she could take more. She hadn’t said much of anything all day and that worried him. The woman confounded him on too many levels. It made him uncomfortable. Not only had she healed him but the strange way she’d reacted right after confused him. She’d seemed tired after healing him then almost manic as she’d run for the cave entrance. Then, most astonishing of all, the wild, hungry look he’d seen in her eyes when he’d held her. As if she would take him then and there, devour him in sexual frenzy. He shook off the bizarre notion.

  “We shall take shelter for the night here,” he said.

  She gazed at him with true confusion. “Here?”

  He pulled back a last wall of fronds and pointed to a huge structure that dominated the land. “Felican Castle. The largest in the land. So far politically neutral. But the lord who runs it may have to make a decision soon about which side he is on. Rogue or not.”

  Her mouth opened, those sweet lips tempting him as she took in the castle. He didn’t blame her. The place caused awe in most. The building sat just inside the jungle on a high ridge surrounded by enormous trees. To the right and farther south the desert proved a strong contrast, with black and cream sands as far as the eyes could see. Humidity pummeled anyone in the jungle but the desert beyond could be dry and cruel with its harsh heat.

  “Who is this lord who can’t make a firm decision?” she asked.

  “Bellrus Famila. He tolerates all quite well. He’s not very autocratic to those who live and let live. Let’s go. I could use a meal and drink.”

  She walked alongside him, picking up the pace as they took the hill. At one point, as she started to lag, he gripped her elbow lightly. When she didn’t protest his touch, he was surprised. Activity outside the castle looked minimal. Then again, with war looming perhaps caution had come to this place that always prided itself on freedom of movement and acceptance for all. This close to the castle he could hear the normal commotion of life behind the huge walls.

  They were only a few hundred feet from the closed drawbridge before two archers appeared at the top of the
gates. He stopped as they pulled back their bows. Mia drew in a sharp breath.

  “It’s all right.” He gave a salute to the men. “Everyone knows me here. They won’t harm us.”

  Within moments the drawbridge came down, the clanking noise loud as the chains lowered the metal-reinforced entry.

  “I’ve never seen anything like this on Magonia. But then we aren’t a warring society.”

  “Peace can be a good thing as long as it is true.”

  She snorted softly. “True?”

  He glanced at her, meeting those deep eyes and the defiance he saw within them. “Real. Not coerced.”

  What he saw in her eyes made him uncomfortable. He saw genuine appreciation for his perspective. He didn’t want to understand her and didn’t want her to like him. Better that she hate his guts because maybe when they reached Bardannia Castle it would be easier for him to let her go. There was no place in his life for clingy women or burdens. He’d deliver her into safe hands and someone who could take her where she wanted to go. After that her fate didn’t matter to him. His groin stirred again and he decided his best course of action was to make certain this disturbing woman found safe lodging.

  Keeping his hand on her elbow, he said, “You’re in a different world now. When we get inside the castle there is something I need to do. Do not take offense because it’s for your protection.”

  Puzzlement filled her expression. “What?”

  “Women are protected on Dragonia. Revered. But because this is a violent world with as many bad men as there are good, a woman isn’t necessarily safe unless she is claimed by a man.” When she didn’t speak, he continued, “I’ll have to convince the men inside this castle that you’re mine.” She tried stepping back but he kept his grip firm on her arm. He lowered his voice. “Listen to me. I am not lying about this. If I don’t make a show of claiming you as mine the criminal elements will want to take you. And they won’t necessarily be gentlemen about it. I will have to take liberties to prove you’re mine.”

  When fear filled her eyes, he softened somewhere inside when he didn’t want to feel anything.

  “All right. So put your arm around me and that will do the trick,” she said.

  “No, it won’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s not enough. I’ll have to kiss you. And more.”

  Chapter Three

  Before she could react to his shocking declaration, Eryk pulled Mia along with his hand on her biceps. She slipped out of his grip just as they crossed over the drawbridge and into the enormous courtyard of the castle. Irritation rode her hard. She’d play along with Eryk until she found a way to leave the castle and make her way to Grimnald Castle. Even if it took a while to accomplish her goal, she’d make it. She hadn’t come this far to fail. She would find a place where she belonged, where she didn’t feel like a freak among conformists.

  Mia surveyed her surrounds with complete curiosity. She’d never seen a structure so large or filled with so many people. Sounds and smells and sights assaulted her senses but she didn’t have time to process them.

  “Hey, Eryk, old man!” a male voice called. “Haven’t seen you in days. Where in Draconus have you been?”

  A tall, gangly man worked his way toward Eryk and Eryk smiled at the man and waved.

  Music started behind Mia and she turned toward the center of the courtyard. Almost against her will, she assessed her surroundings. Four towers projected above the main castle walls. Other small towers dotted here and there. Different colored walls, grey, white and cream, made for a mishmash of styles.

  Men dressed in tunics much like Eryk’s strolled by, all ages, sizes and hair colors. Numerous women holding bags slung over their shoulders walked freely from place to place. She saw one or two children being carried by women. Most people strolling past her smiled and looked happy enough. If they cared about war, she couldn’t see it.

  A hard hand came down on her shoulder and she turned, expecting to see Eryk. A hulking man similar in size to Eryk stood too close. His white hair stuck up on his head in all directions, his gray eyes chips of ice. His nose was long and ugly like a crooked beak. His ears sagged low on his head. The man’s foul smell spilled over her and Mia wrinkled her nose.

  Before she could open her mouth, another man stepped up. This one was her height but looked strong. While he wasn’t as ugly as the big man, he also smelled like the bottom of something nasty.

  “Hey, Livir, where did you find her?” the smaller man asked.

  The white-haired man released her as she shrugged out from under his hand. Tired of yet another man handling her, she practically growled her response to him, “Leave me be or I will break your fingers.”

  She started past him toward Eryk but Livir almost yanked her off her feet. Surprised and angry, she cried out as his meaty arm wrapped around her middle.

  “Get your fucking hands off her!” Eryk’s deep, more than angry voice rang across the courtyard.

  Chaos instantly reigned. Women dashed away toward the farthest reaches of the castle while men also moved back to the outer perimeter to watch the possible fracas. Eryk moved slowly toward Mia and the man who held her. Eryk’s sharp gaze missed nothing. His fists clenched at his side. He hadn’t pulled his sword from the sheath yet.

  Mia had two reactions. Stark fear and utter relief. Eryk would sort this out in a heartbeat. She hoped.

  White-haired man didn’t release her. In fact, he pulled her back against his body. She almost gagged on his stench.

  “She looks like she’s free to me.” She heard Livir smack his lips. “And I ain’t had a woman in a long time. This one looks fresh and ready to pluck.”

  Eryk put his hands on his hips. “Livir, she isn’t free.”

  Eryk knows this filthy insect? She supposed it shouldn’t surprise her. What did she honestly know of Eryk Gauth’s associations and friendships? As honorable as he’d appeared in most respects, for all she knew he might be a lout of the first order.

  “I don’t smell you on her.” Livir’s declaration came clearly above the murmur of the crowd that watched the entertainment.

  Eryk smiled at the much larger man. “That’s because I don’t smell at all. You, on the other hand…” Eryk shrugged, his hands out in surrender.

  Livir growled his next words. “I want a woman!”

  “Sorry, my man. She isn’t for you.”

  Livir’s arm tightened painfully around her middle and she gasped for a breath.

  Eryk’s eyes turned deadly, his mouth a tight line. “You’re hurting her. I won’t tolerate that.”

  “I don’t see anyone around here who can declare that this woman is yours.” Livir raised his voice. “Can anyone here tell me that she’s already claimed?”

  People watching the crowd mumbled among themselves but most shook their heads in denial.

  Livir chuckled and the movement vibrated through her. “See? She ain’t yours.”

  “Fuck it, Livir, we just got here. Of course they don’t know her.” Eryk’s voice turned to ice. “Now let her go.”

  Livir grunted. “I don’t think so.”

  Eryk sighed and drew his sword from the scabbard. As he held the long, gleaming length of metal toward Livir the crowd noise grew louder. “Release my woman or I will kill you.”

  Livir released her. Surprised, she didn’t move for a moment.

  “Get over here!” Eryk jerked his head as he snapped at her. “Behind me.”

  She almost…almost told him to stuff it but the fierceness in his expression and the realization of her perilous situation kept her lips clamped. She hurried to stand behind Eryk. Eryk faced off against Livir.

  Metal sang as Livir extracted his own sword. “Then let the games begin.”

  Fear spiked in Mia. Eryk could be killed. Her mind went straight from that to disaster. Without a protector—

  No. She’d made it to Dragonia without protection. No matter what happened to Eryk she’d be fine. Her gut clenched. Sh
e didn’t want anything to happen to Eryk. Livir’s size didn’t seem to intimidate Eryk in any way. Perhaps his abilities as a Daryk One could prevail.

  “I’m tired of all the women wanting you.” Livir’s voice rose to a growl. “You get all the sex you want.”

  Eryk laughed.

  Mia gawked at his broad back as a strange burn filled her middle. What did she care if he slept with many women? But why did he think it was funny?

  “Livir, believe me, I haven’t had time for sex lately. Months, in fact.”

  He hadn’t? Somehow Mia found it hard to believe.

  “That’s dragon dung. I heard Petaria in the drinking house claiming she fucked you last week,” Livir said.

  “That a load of shite. I’ve never slept with her. She’s trying to impress other men because no one will claim her.”

  Livir grunted and pointed to Mia. “I’m taking that one. You’ve had enough. I’ll give her back when I’m finished.”

  “No, you won’t. My woman is claimed. She’s the only one I’ll have sex with from now on.”

  Livir growled and lunged. Mia jumped back. Eryk met Livir’s attack head-on with a yell and their blades clanged, slashed.

  “We don’t have to do this, Livir. I’ve known you a long time.” Eryk’s voice rang out above the chatter of the crowd surrounding them. “Stop this now!”

  Livir continued, and Mia knew whatever happened one of them might die. The crowd cheered as Eryk’s blade caught the other man across the biceps. Livir grunted but hardly seem to notice the gash. She wished she had a weapon, anything she could use against the man trying to take her from the Daryk One. Eryk’s body showed incredible finesse and strength, muscles bunched and flowed as he fought. His expression stayed riveted with concentration. He shifted, feinted, thrust the sword to meet Livir’s aggressiveness. Strange feelings heightened within Mia with incredible strength. Powerful heat built within her core, pooling like a fire in her loins and sweeping upward to bead her nipples. Everything slowed as she watched Eryk’s incredible physical presence. Mortification spread through her. She couldn’t believe she was responding to him this way. It was a fight, for Magon’s sake. Eryk could die. How could she desire him with such staggering force?