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Daryk Warrior Page 5
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Page 5
A hand touched her arm and she jerked and turned away from the battle. An older woman, perhaps forty years old, stood by wearing a cape with a hood. The vibrant purple color in her coverings dazzled Mia’s eyes. She’d seen the color in nature but never in clothing. With snowy white short hair and a thin face, the woman looked so delicate she appeared as if she might blow away with a strong wind.
“Don’t get too close,” the woman said, her light blue eyes as clear as precious gems. Her expression was serious but kind. “Men have accidentally killed their women while fighting for them.”
Mia almost said Eryk wasn’t hers but then she heard a man’s scream of agony. She turned to the fight and saw Livir clutching his sword hand. Two of his fingers lay on the ground in front of him. He bellowed like a hurt animal and a shiver crawled up her back.
“It is done!” Eryk held up his sword. “There will be no more fight. I will claim my woman publicly and no other man will dispute my claim upon her.”
“There,” the white-haired woman said with a smile. “He is yours for certain.”
Mia peered at the shorter woman. “Who are you?”
The woman held her hand out. “Benita Hanix. I’m a widow.”
Mia shook hands with Benita. “Mia Griffi.”
She didn’t intend to tell anyone more than that. She didn’t know who to trust. Benita lowered her voice. “If Eryk Gauth vouches for you, you’re a friend.”
“You know Eryk?”
“Don’t worry. I’m practically old enough to be his mother.”
“You don’t look that old.”
Benita chuckled. “I’m sixty if I’m a day.”
Mia’s mouth flopped open for a second. “Astonishing.”
The crowd started to disperse, and that’s when Mia realized other men surrounded Livir and were tending to his wound and leading him away.
“Eryk is a good man.” Benita’s voice broke through the chatter around them. “You’ve picked well.”
“I didn’t pick him.”
Benita’s smile held doubt but she didn’t speak, and Eryk walked up to them.
His eyes held pure heat but he nodded at Benita. “Good day, Benita. Will you excuse us a moment?”
Benita bowed slightly at the waist. “Of course. You must claim your woman.”
Mia noted that most people waited and watched her and Eryk. Despite the distraction Benita and the crowd created, Mia’s blood still hummed, her body too aware of Eryk. She didn’t want these feelings but they didn’t relent. Before she could speak or protest he snatched her against him. Body to body, from chest to thighs, every delineated muscle and fiber pressed to hers. She gasped. He cupped her face with one hand. If she’d expected his claiming to be as violent and quick as the fight, she was dead wrong. He tilted her face upward and a moment later his lips touched hers. A thousand thoughts left her mind, and even with dozens of people witnessing their kiss, Mia sank into a sensual world that stunned her to the core. His mouth was hot, searching but not voracious. She felt the restraint in his body. He wanted this harder, deeper, far longer. How she understood this she couldn’t say. Instead he took the kiss with a tenderness that shook her. It was a sweet, honest sweeping of lips over lips. She surprised herself by responding and the pulsing between her legs turned into an aching tingle. Her fingers spread over his chest, feeling muscles bunch and move beneath her touch. As if she had no will of her own, she threw her arms around his neck and arched into him. Her belly pressed against that long, hard bar of his cock. A moan left her throat and she forgot that everyone watched. She simply didn’t care.
As a wild rush of heat speared deep between her thighs, he thrust his tongue between her lips. Surprise warred with pure delight. Even though she’d read that people sometimes kissed this way, she’d always thought it would be disgusting. Instead the repeated stroke of his tongue over hers made the need in her pussy grow until she felt moist. She ached with a need so strong she wanted to drag him somewhere and explore more of these amazing sensations. She was shocked at her feelings but another part of her wanted to experience more and to understand what would happen next if she did.
He drew back before she could completely absorb the feeling. Still, they were breathing hard and he stared at her a long moment before releasing her.
Shaking with reaction, she didn’t know what to say.
Benita watched the sensual exchange. “You should find more clothes for her, Eryk.”
He nodded as if he hadn’t shared a stunningly beautiful kiss with a woman he barely knew. “Indeed. We’ll come to your establishment later.”
Benita nodded. “Very well. Good day.”
“This way.” Eryk took Mia’s hand and they started through the crowd.
“Wait, where are we going?” Mia kept up with his quick steps as he wove his way between people.
He didn’t answer her.
“Eryk, where are we going?”
They plunged into a darker area of the castle, a warren of walls and narrow enclaves. They came to a deep alcove. He glanced inside, pulled her with him. Eryk pressed her to a wall, but not hard.
“What are you doing?”
“Shh.” He whispered the word but in his eyes a feral light glowed.
“Oh Magon, your eyes. What’s happening?”
He hauled her against him, a quick, hard movement. “By all that is holy, you destroy me.”
She didn’t get a chance to ask him what he meant. He dipped his head and kissed her.
Hungrily he took her mouth. His kiss swept away her fears in a hot and unrelenting sensual tide. His lips traced, shaped and molded to hers as if they’d always meant to taste her. Unexpected acceptance threw her into turmoil. How could she allow this? What did it mean that her body ached for his with overwhelming force? She couldn’t stop it. Didn’t want to stop this barbaric display of wantonness. His hands seemed everywhere as he touched her face and neck, the brush of his fingers sending tingles throughout her body. His tongue thrust and took and she groaned and shivered. Every brush of his hands over sensitive skin sent her emotions into a spin, her body into roaring life.
His touch found the contours of her back down to her hips. New arousal burgeoned within as he slid his hands up and under her tunic and touched her bare back. He pushed his way into the waistband of her pants and found naked flesh. Wildly, in one part of her mind, she thought she should shove him away and protest such intimacy. Surely this wasn’t allowed between two people who had known each other for so little time. Another part of her thrilled to the new sensations. His tongue stroked hers again and again, and even with what little experience she had with kissing she found his method thrilling. As his hands cupped and gently stroked her butt, Mia squirmed in reaction.
He broke the kiss long enough to groan, his words raspy against her lips, “Draconus, Mia. You’re killing me. I have to. I must.”
Must what?
He kissed her again and all rational thought left her in a heartbeat. Whatever insanity this was it left her stripped raw, torn from the piety she’d lived most her life. This was…well it was amazing and she wanted more with single-minded purpose. She joined in his enthusiasm, her own touch exploring as she savored everything about Eryk that made him male. His broad shoulders, the strength in his incredible arms, the gentleness and greediness as he touched and stroked everything. He lifted her off her feet and on instinct her legs wrapped around his waist. He pressed that hard, thick length against her most vulnerable point. If she’d been naked he could have slipped deep within her pussy. Mia knew it, thrilled to it and shamed to it. Her vulnerability, the fact Eryk could do anything he wanted to her, should have sent her screaming from the secluded alcove. Instead her body creamed. Turned hotter, aching for a pinnacle she didn’t understand. She’d heard of climax, of the orgasm that could happen in the sexual act between man and woman. Only in her bed, late at night, had she found a spark of it ignited by her own fingers. She understood what her body wanted to do but didn’t know
all the impulses racking her from deep inside. He reached between them and cupped her left breast. She gasped into his mouth at the incredible intimacy. One moment later he clasped her nipple through her tunic and tugged. She moaned at the hot spear of excitement that chased all the way from her nipple to between her legs.
He tore his mouth from hers and buried his face in her neck. His mouth and tongue traced a heated path. With one quick tug he opened the neck of her tunic and his mouth clamped over her nipple.
“Oh!” Mia writhed under the pleasure.
Hot lips and tongue stroked her nipple for long moments and the excitement in her body grew higher. She couldn’t stand this. She needed something.
But then he released her nipple and looked up at her. Eryk’s eyes were still red and his breathing came so hard it sounded as if he’d been running.
With a gasp, he released her and set her on her feet. “By all the gods, Mia.”
He would release her now, say they would stop and forget this horrible mistake.
Instead he slipped his hand into the front of her pants and found the wetness between her legs. She gasped and moaned as his blunt fingers intruded. It was delicious and soothing and maddening all at once. He found and stroked over the little bud at the top of her sex. She jerked in surprise as he took her moisture and smoothed it back and forth over her bud. Pleasure sang from that point and filled her body with heady anticipation. Her head went back as she allowed the pleasure to take over. He fluttered his tongue over her nipple at the same time and she thought she’d go mad. But a mere moment later the relentless movement of his finger on her sweet spot built to a pinnacle of sensation that couldn’t last. This had to be banished, to dissolve. Something. She’d go mad if it didn’t. She whimpered, trying to keep from panting, from groaning like an animal. Yet the feelings inside her were animal. Real and raw and uncompromising. When he slipped a finger deep into her core the shock and pleasure of that deeply personal touch made the pleasure that much more amazing. She clutched at his shoulders, the only lifeline in her body’s desire to tear her to pieces. Deep within he stroked and one flick and then another over her bud made a rush of moisture flow. She squirmed, caught up in craving she wanted desperately and couldn’t escape if she’d wanted to.
He leaned into her, his body surrounding and protecting as he whispered, “That’s it, Mia. Take it.”
He slid one finger inside her again and pressed as deep.
As if he’d given her final permission to break free, her body erupted into shaking, trembling with bliss. She barely stifled a cry, holding the moan inside as pleasure rolled through her in a beautiful wave she didn’t want to end. She leaned her head on his shoulder, quivering as delight went on and on. Her pussy contracted over his finger, gripping it as the ecstasy went on and on.
His fingers tangled in her hair. His palm traced over her head in a gesture so tender she couldn’t believe it came from such a man.
The continuing ache between her legs and the moistness there signaled arousal. She knew it and couldn’t deny it. She couldn’t believe what they’d just done.
Eryk pulled away. In their small space his eyes continued to spark red, his mouth tightened, his nostrils flaring. She knew on instinct that he needed more. In a wave of certainty, she knew she could give it to him right here and now if she took one step closer and said yes. Instead he shook his head as if he’d read her mind. He took one step away then two in the narrow enclosure. In haste she refastened the tunic where he’d pulled it open.
“Come, let’s go.” He held out his hand.
She stared at it for a long time before she put her hand in his. “Where are we going?”
“Lodging for the night.”
His clipped response didn’t tell her whether he regretted what happened or not. Though why would he? She’d heard that men claimed to possess strong sexual needs.
Emotions rioted through Mia as she allowed him to lead her through the crowd. Heat ambushed her face. Her lips felt full, nipples still tight, tingling and poking against her tunic. Her lower body throbbed, a hunger remaining. Despite the pleasure that had torn her apart and brought her back together, Mia imagined what she’d experienced under his touch paled in comparison to what she’d feel with his cock inside her. Cock. Yes, she’d heard the word uttered before and read it. Only Scribes could know the truths of lovemaking and hide them from others. Or at least pretend that they didn’t exist. As they maneuvered through the courtyard toward a tower, doubts slammed her.
What had she been thinking, allowing him liberties? No woman from Magonia would allow any man intimacies unless he was her husband. She halted the thought. True, she hadn’t abandoned all her Magonian ways of thinking when she arrived in Dragonia. Yet she didn’t have to follow the rules the way she’d done before to stay safe from punishment. Freedom offered opportunity while also scaring her to death. Shame mixed with the awe of discovery. Her mind felt clouded and yet alive, full and yet open to learning more. Vitality swamped her head to toe as if she might split apart in little places if Eryk touched her again the way he did in the alcove.
They arrived at a wooden door near a tower and Eryk pushed it open. Inside the room it was darker and she blinked to adjust her eyes. Behind a tall counter a small old woman sat. A thick head of dirty gray hair was piled upon her head in a bun. Her features were sharp and thin but Mia thought she’d been pretty at one time.
The woman smiled brightly. “Eryk, how good to see you again. What has it been? Two weeks at least?”
He smiled brightly. “At least. Finny, this is Mia. We need a room.”
Finny’s blue eyes sparkled with amusement. “Longer than an hour, I presume.”
Heat reignited in Mia’s face. “I am not a whore.”
Finny’s eyes widened. “I didn’t think you were, dearie. The way he’s gripping your hand and the red in his eyes tells me he’s found something special in you. If you were a whore he wouldn’t have introduced you.”
A strange emotion took hold of her. Mortification hadn’t disappeared and this blunt exchange didn’t help.
“We need a place for the night. A room with a bathing area, please.” A smile played around his mouth but the red was still there and potent in his eyes.
Finny gave him a key, he tossed coin on the counter.
She gestured toward a staircase to her left. “Number two. First on your left.”
Before Mia could blink he urged her up the circular stairs. When they reached the top he headed toward the door number Finny had indicated. Moving quickly, he opened the room with the key and ushered her inside. He closed the door and locked it. He didn’t grab her. No, he shrugged off his waist pack with its supplies and tossed it onto a table with two chairs. Toward the back of the room near the fireplace a bathing room door showed a large washing area. Larger than what she was used to in Magonia, that was for certain. Not that it mattered much. Her existence as a Scribe had ensured Mia led an uncomplicated and unadorned life. Austerity didn’t bother her.
To her surprise the main room featured pretty blue curtains on two small windows that would keep out a draft if the glass leaked. A matching blue coverlet and pillows covered the substantial bed.
“I’ve never seen a bed that large,” she said, blurting the first thing that came to mind. “Easily two people could sleep in it. Perhaps even three.”
He chuckled. “Uh…yeah.”
Heat returned to her face as she realized the implications. “I am not saying that even two of us should sleep in it. I will take the chair.” She gestured to a large chair with plump cushions. “It looks to be a fine place to sleep.”
He headed toward the bathing chamber. “Nothing like that in Magonia? The bed, I mean.”
“Nothing I’ve seen.” She sagged to the side of the bed.
“Do not worry. I’m not going to insist you have sex with me,” he said.
She blinked, surprised by the frankness of his statement. “You aren’t?”
He grin
ned and laughed. “At least, not yet.” He strode toward her, and as he did the heat rose under her skin again. He touched her chin, tilted it to meet his gaze. “Like I said before, when you want me inside you, you’ll have to ask for it. In the meantime, I need relief.”
She tilted her head to the side. “Relief?”
He made a small movement with his hips and she noticed the erection tenting his tunic and pants. Eryk leaned forward and kissed her cheek and brushed his fingers over her jaw.
“Did you understand what happened to you in the alcove?” he asked softly.
Part of her wanted to tell him she wasn’t a fool. Instead she answered with dignity, “People call it many things in Magonia. It is sexual. What we did in the alcove was forbidden and wanton in Magonia.”
He snorted. “People have sex in Magonia.”
“Scribes do not unless we’re married.”
His gaze was predatory, searching her with a devouring look that assessed everything. “You responded like a woman who has had sex before.”
She drew in a deep breath. “I haven’t.” Her tongue felt thick. “But I’ve read about it.”
One of his dark brows lifted. “Reading about it is nothing like doing it.”
She couldn’t help a small smile. “I imagine not.”
He stared at her, an answering smile tilting the corners of his mouth.
“I thought you needed relief,” she said.
He chuckled and walked away. “That I do. Do you want to watch?”
“Watch?” The word almost came out on a gasp.
His wicked grin had all the hallmarks of teasing but red filled his eyes again. “It can be arousing to watch. For me and maybe for you.”
“No.” She had to be firm about this. “What we did was a mistake.”
His eyes narrowed but the red didn’t leave them. “It wasn’t a mistake but as I said before, if you want me you’ll have to ask for it.”